Several months ago my daughter started taking modeling classes. Not long ago she had her first photo shoot with their photographer. Afterward she told me I should make a portfolio and offer my services. Though I’ve been taking pictures since the late 1970’s, I’ve never pursued it as a professional. The true pros laugh at my Nikon cameras (D80 & D7000) as not “pro” cameras. I have seen what they produce and consider myself better than most.
My daughter agrees. After all, I’m not so creepy. I do like to take photos and am getting better at taking them of people. I do use manual mode quite often. And I do have a passion for photography. At least as a hobby, but as a profession?? Too scared.
Last month while in Phoenix, Arizona attending a Marketing and IT conference, I met the owners and founders of VForce. Sure, we talked shop, but we also talked about us. A item that became apparent to them is my passion for beer. I love developing recipes and having my friends try my home brew results. With the smallest of exceptions, my beers are as good as any craft beer that can be purchased in the store. Two of them told me I should really consider following my passion: beer.
For some time now I’ve been wondering which passion to follow and how to do so. Ever since my first encounter with computers I’ve had a passion for creating programs. My mother instilled in me talents for cooking, though it took me years to develop an outlet for my passion to cook resulting in eatable food. Discovering beer making spoke to my cooking passion, wanting to create and enjoyment of good beer. Photography allows me to be creative in capturing what my mind sees. In all avenues I’ve experimented from the start. Sometimes the food had to be dumped. Sometimes the roll of film was wasted. But most was success.
About 14 years ago I developed another passion. I truly love to help people discover their true talents and learn to express themselves through it. I yearn to watch people grow and blossom before my eyes. When I lived in Marion, Ohio I walked people through the results of their gifts test and helped them plug into the right groups to grow them. People found their place in the church and found a purpose to their service. My purpose was to help others find theirs. It was great. I ran.
Five years ago I switched from full time development to management. I still yearn to help people grow. I still want them to find their passion and pursue it. I still want to help. I still need to help. Now my passions are crossing paths.
Tonight at our yearly company meeting I learned something about a coworker I didn’t know. Her husband is a brewer and is looking to start his own brewery. He is meeting with perspective backers. Again beer has crossed my path. Again a passion is calling. I have no idea how I should respond. I know I cannot back him financially. I know I cannot leave my current position. I also know I cannot neglect my other passions to pursue only one.
So, I write. Why? Because it is another passion of mine. Somewhere in all this is a way to mix all my passions and still make a living. Somewhere in the stillness of these many streams is the answer. Somewhere. I need to be quiet and listen. Then be ready to move.