
Quotes made by Bryon Lape, either in speech, print or Internet shared. Collected here to ponder, critique and comment.

      • It is the thinking mind that will not be dissuade from Liberty by partisan chants that either party is only a different road upon which the ideals of America may travel. The continuous banter serves only to volley the hapless Citizen into the chains of Tyranny.
      • No change, no matter how noble, no matter how beneficial, no matter how righteous, will prosper one unless full ownership is taken of one’s current state.
      • If they truly believed themselves free, they would not be asking anyone to bless their marriage, especially the government.
      • The absence of Rulers is not necessarily the presence of Chaos.
      • Science is a process of discovery, it is not a belief system. Unfortunately, many have made it a system of belief, in particular when they compare it to religion. A sentence like “I believe in science over religion” is pure nonsense. What one makes with the discoveries of science is a choice. Real truth is absolute, but opinion about truth is relative.
      • People should be taught how to think and discern their own truth. All ideas should be equally accessible.
      • The solutions to all the problems that plague mankind are found not in any treatise of Government nor in any profession of belief of any Religion. They are found in the Individual, within whom lies the power to crush Tyranny and offer Liberty; the power to Love or to Hate; the power to Create or Destroy.
      • When your protest uses violence, you will prosper the very tyranny you claim to fight.
      • I am quite sad that to some, a black man has no value unless he is killed by a white man.
      • When you die you will be placed in a box. Don’t live your life in one.
      • The greater the harm pressed upon you, the greater the opportunity for Love to flow from you.
      • Through life, there are those encountered for whom one has no value. Leave and press on from these, for there are others for whom one has infinite value. Cherish the time with the latter as it is far too short.
      • A cup turned upside down will never fill, no matter how long held in the fountain.
      • I find that when I am quiet and listening, the Universe provides the Wisdom I already know, the Path I’m already upon, and the Direction I’m already headed. The Art of Life is balancing Perception and Consciousness so that one does not overwhelm the other. The well educated Mind is not Conscious and the well opened Mind does not Perceive.
      • When the boot of tyranny is upon your throat, it matters not what -ism brought it there.
      • The Garden of Eden is less about an idealistic paradise where life is without labor than it is a state with a personal walk with God. Once removed, man may only return when covered by Grace, whether through the temporary sacrifice of the First Covenant or the permanence of the Second. The acceptance is shown through Faith and is reflected through Works.
      • To manifest a deep desire, it is not enough to simply claim it into existence. By the Law, to influence the Universe, one needs to not only see what is desired, but know fully was it desired and take action toward it. Peter claimed when he spoke to Jesus saying, “Lord, if it is you, tell me to come.” He manifest when he stepped out of the boat.
      • Science has demonstrated there are several phenomenon with the Universe that require a human observer to create. To believe that only the Material exists without Consciousness, without the Metaphysical, is to deny the measured influence. The fundamental aspect of the Universe is energy. Slow energy expresses as matter. Fast energy expresses as Consciousness. Without the understanding of energy, much of the material Universe seems unexplained or impossible.
      • No matter how horrific the experience, no matter how high the cost, no matter how great the destruction, there is a never ending source of individuals willing to start a war to accomplish their aims.
      • The beginning of Wisdom is the Desire for Discipline.
      • From a less oppressive King and His Agents did the American Colonists rebel, while now an American Citizen will sit in his squalor and eat his free bread.
      • No matter the scale nor the time frame, it is the serious goal that is written.
      • The whole of the Universe lies before us and we fight over the dust at our feet.
      • Speak less. Listen twice more. Think continuously.
      • The greatest myth of Government is its infinite and perpetual existence.
      • The passing of time brings eloquence to the tongue. The sharpness of youth gives way to the seasoning of experience. Know well the limits of the soul and explore well the depths of consciousness. Only in the quiet stream may one learn fully the dominance of Love.
      • Common ground is found when you learn to listen.
      • Socialism’s greatest contribution is the never-ending ability to create successive generations of idiots who firmly believe the only reason it failed in the past is that they were not in control.
      • To give weight to the telling, it is within the purview of the Public to attribute quotes of Wisdom to an ascribed Authority without regard to authenticity. Furthermore, the more Power wished into the Wording, the more archaic the choice. It will henceforth be habitually recited by those to whom it speaks in an effort to induce against those to whom it shall not to an entreaty.
      • The reduction of Government is found via the self-restraint of the citizens toward acts of criminality.
      • Reason over reaction. Conversation over confrontation. Love over loathing.
      • So it shall be that here the full manner of my intellect be not hampered by the morals of modern society, nor by the confines of local thought, should I be displaced to not express ideas deemed offensive by the Establishment. Though not know to be of proactive behavior, I therefore commit to be unhindered in ideals. Be it of others to realize their extension to be likewise and shall the growth of Human kind become great. For it is in the free expression of the Spirit, as given by God Almighty, that the full worth of Human be realized. It is in the desire for acceptance that the confines of Government be created, and it is in such confines that the Regulated find Comfort. May the Human Spirit, therefore, forever seek Discomfort and never be chained nor limited.
      • Government has but two precepts: control the people and perpetuate the need for its own existence.
      • A religion is a codified and apostatized philosophy. Each generation moves the precepts away from the original intent until they become unrecognizable. The occasional reformer will strive to meet the original ideals and is usually held in contempt with the orthodox believers.
      • To seek the Truth, one must know the difference between the grasshopper and the locust.
      • I choose to express a moral path, not the through the adherence to some Law, but by the holding to Righteousness.
      • It is the Plight of Mankind that too many choose to flee Liberty and live in Tyranny.
      • America was established by the Liberal principle of the most individual Liberty and the least amount of Government to ensure same. It is now quickly approaching the Progressive principle of the exact opposite.
      • You may have to look with relentless determination, but in every event, no matter how painful, there is Good.

Excursions and Experiences Through Life