The time had faded and the grey of obscurity loomed upon me. Would the new YouTube accept my eclectic channel or would the new algorithm swallow me whole? The standard algorithm preferred channels that had one, and only one, focus. The Bryon Lape channel, or LapeTV as it was sometimes known, had no single focus. The videos reflected the whim of the day or questions sent from subscribers. It was not contained within Pop Culture, Beer, Fitness, or Photography. Video topics came and went. Subscribers came and went.
Some weeks, the drunken oddness attracted viewers and subscribers. The Brie Larson fans would defend her selection as Captain Marvel and state she was not hated by the rest of the MCU cast, despite the rumors. They came and left comments on videos that would claim Captain Marvel was not wanted or if her comics were being cancelled. Her fans would quote the sales figures, they would state why Brie Larson is great and how she should be a part of Disney Star Wars. They might down vote a video, but their feedback and comments were welcome. The views count, no matter what.
Then YouTube changed. The FTC and the Attorney General of New York State sued. YouTube lost money. Google lost money. It all changed over night. They did not like losing money. They made changes to the rules. Many channels died. Videos had to be tagged if they were for children. Videos had to be tagged if they were for an audience that is over 18. The FTC said all this was not necessary, not correct. It mattered not. Google made the changes to YouTube. Many channels died. Be careful with the beer reviews. Be careful with the supplement reviews. Tag videos. Mark videos. If the wrong audience saw the video and the wrong metrics were saved, there were serious fines waiting.
Stillness stood upon the Internet. Then, it happened.
Out of the darkness came a voice. LapeTV could exist. Bryon Lape’s channel could exist. Brainmuffin could exist. Channel Dad could exist. All of the oddness could exist. It didn’t matter that the Fandom Menace had rejected the Old Man. It didn’t matter that bullshit had past the channel by. There was a way out of the darkness. There was Elizabeth. She was the path to the answers.
The time had started simply. An experiment to test the viability of the Bryon Lape YouTube channel had started. The subscriber count grew. The numbers were not fantastic, but with minimal efforts the growth became self-sustaining. The people believed and supported the channel. They found honesty and openness. There was no direct effort to market to them. The reviews where seen as honest and proper. People would buy. People would believe. There was truth.
Elizabeth became a part of the behind the scenes. Margaret was quite persuasive in the future of LapeTV. Be honest and open. Do not hide when products were provided and not purchased. Do unboxing videos and state plainly if the products were purchased or provided. Discount links worked. Do not pretend to be something that it wasn’t. It was all good. It all worked. It was all correct.
There wasn’t a pull back. There didn’t need to be. Some channels pretend to be something they are not. Instagram Influencers have been shown to be frauds when they make claims that are not true or they Photoshop images to improve the surroundings. With LapeTV there was no need. Sometimes Channel Dad Bryon Lape was with the World Class Bullshitters, sometimes he was just by himself. He was open and honest always. They audience responded. The channel grew. People subscribed. Bryon Lape visualized 100,000 subscribers and it happened.
When there is a desire to learn from success, there is no need for failure to be expected. While it is possible to learn from failure, it is far more powerful to learn from success. When you learn from success, the pattern to repeat and perfect is provided. When the learning comes from failure only the pattern to avoid is provided. It is far easier to repeat a pattern than to avoid. Seek you first the pattern that provides than the pattern that prohibits. For no greater experience can one provide for themselves than one that can be studied and repeated with even greater success.
Reach out. So much can be had when you maximize your Life.