Only a few moments after getting back from the gym and finishing the second half of a pre-workout review, the US mail delivered a shipment to Channel Dad Bryon Lape from RevUp nutrition.
It is time for an unboxing!
Included in this shipment from RevUp is a container of Lemonade flavored BCAA mix. Channel Dad Bryon Lape does a live taste test of this new flavor of TuneUp. Good Stuff!!
Channel Dad Bryon Lape has several RevUp Nutrition reviews on his channel and more will be coming soon. Have a favorite flavor or supplement from RevUp that you want Bryon Lape’s opinion on? Be sure to leave a comment below or send him a Tweet. His social media information be given below.
RevUp Nutrition Tune-Up BCAA review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLbbY_jNJq0
RevUp Nutrition N1trous Rainbow Candy Flavor Pre-Workout Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQolwIlz5N8
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