Now that I have your attention.
As I am not busy enough, I blog in several spots. On my WordPress blog, I posted a story about a friend of mine and the tactics she was thinking of employing to get leads for her business. I helped her see what manner of leads she would most likely get and showed her a different path. Time will tell if she will stick to it.
Marketing is an art. Marketing is a science. Many people complain about too many advertisements here and there. Fact is, the ads are there because they are effective. Marketers don’t have endless barrels of money. They must get results or they will try something else. Often times, a well researched campaign will fall flat while something wild and spontaneous will have roaring success. Each effort is measured against the business it brings in. Much returned, campaign continues. Nothing returned, campaign is stopped.
Nearly two years ago I started down a new path with Carbon Copy Pro. Gregg Davison was my sponsor and a whole new world was opened to me. I have never been the same. I have stopped accepting mediocrity and strive to do better. When I find myself in ruts, I really get annoyed and look for ways out.
I also have little patience for those who choose, no want, to stay in their ruts. Those who are able bodied and have their hands out annoy me the most. America is not there to guarantee you a color television and a cell phone. It isn’t there to guarantee you a job. It is there to guarantee your Liberty. Take it and live free.
Yeah, so what? What about anal sex?
Though some may have been turned off by the terms so far, living in Liberty has much in common with anal sex. Very few practice it and the few who do feel liberated. They more one lives in Liberty, the more one wants. Same as anal sex. Many are scared by Liberty and feel it unnecessary in a country whose government is providing everything. After all, there are other less painful sexual practices, anal isn’t needed.
Yes, the analogy does start to break down. But living in Liberty is about breaking down constraints. Breaking down walls. Striving in your own business is about finding your way in Liberty. Perhaps my friend was right, it is also about enjoying anal sex.