I first met Gregg Davison over the phone. He was living in the Cayman Islands and loving life. He was talking to me about CarbonCopy Pro, a business opportunity I had heard about during a commercial break on the Rush Limbaugh radio show. I was intrigued. I had to find out more. I went to the website and eventually signed up at the Gold Level.
The calls with Gregg happened each week. I was given some assignments and things to do. I went through the back office. I went through the tutorials. The online marketing education CarbonCopy Pro has is massive. Almost too much to absorb. Gregg said to register a domain with your name in it. I chose several. Eventually I had getrichwithbryon and both the .net and .com versions of bryonlape. The sites were out there, leads came in.
I finally met Gregg Davison face to face in Phoenix, Arizona at the Master Marketing Event. He was energetic. He showed interest in people. He gave them guidance and leadership. That weekend was phenomenal. How exciting to be in business.
A couple of months later, Gregg and his business partners Andrew Cass and Michael Force held a weekend training retreat in Miami. It is amazing how inexpensive hotels can be in Miami, Florida in July when few people are there. The training was intense and close up. On Monday, several of us on Gregg’s team were in his room for “A Day In The Office With Gregg Davison”. It was worth the extra time and money. All of us stayed as long as we could and eventually made our way toward our respective homes.
That was mid 2011.
A few months later, Gregg stopped being on the calls. He stopped holding team training sessions on Saturdays. A bit before he stopped talking about his lovely wife Christina. Something was up. No one knew what. Then, he was gone.
Peter Hobler, his business manager stopped hearing from him. The marketing partners Andrew and Michael didn’t hear from him either. Neither Jay Kubassek nor Justin Woolf knew anything about what was going on. Gregg Davison seemed to have disappeared.
Those of us on Gregg’s team were first moved under Micheal Force. Several months later, as the marketing leaders started to leave Pro U (CarbonCopy Pro’s new name), the team was moved again to be under Justin Woolf. Still no word from Gregg.
Gregg’s Facebook page became stale. A picture of him holding his nephew was posted by his sister. No status changes. No location changes. Nothing.
One day Justin saw Gregg come on-line and was able to chat with him a bit. Gregg was back to being in his mother’s basement. Back in England. Back to where it started. But what was Gregg doing? No one seems to know.
Gregg Davison is still out there. He’s voice is no doubt being heard by someone. He is not part of Empower Network. He is not part of Pro U. He is not part of RemarkaMobile.
Where is Gregg Davison?