Every day there is more information about the coronavirus pandemic. Some states are opening and recovering, while those that remain closed are seeing higher numbers. The CDC has released more information this week about COVID-19 infection rates in many states. Looks like it is good news are more people have been infected than thought and the fatality rate is lower.
Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads articles from theBlaze, the Spectator, and Outkick The Coverage with updated news from the CDC. Here are the links to the articles so you can read them yourself.
The Spectator: https://thespectator.info/2020/05/23/cdc-admits-coronavirus-mortality-ratio-is-similar-to-1957-58-flu-pandemic-where-no-lockdown-was-needed/
The Blaze: https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-the-cdc-confirms-remarkably-low-coronavirus-death-rate-where-is-the-media
OutKick the Coverage: https://www.outkickthecoverage.com/34-states-had-higher-death-rate-from-2018-flu-than-coronavirus/
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