As more good data is collected about Covid-19, the World Health Organization has been updating their policies and procedures. The WHO have already stated the wearing of masks outside of the Health Care System is not effective and should not be done. Now WHO has updated the idea that people who are asymptomatic can be spreading the virus. Such asymptomatic spread is rare. It is not zero, but so small it might as well be.
Feel better now? Think this is just something being reported by FoxNews or The Blaze? No, this report comes from CNBC. You may read their article yourself here.
Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads the latest news about the coronavirus and asymptomatic spread. Will the US update their position? Will the governors of states finally open up their economies? Doubt it. They have too much to lose by stating they are wrong. Herd immunity cannot be denied.
Why does Channel Dad Bryon Lape read articles about topics like a coronavirus update? Channel Dad cares about health and wellness. Everyone is different and a wide range of information is necessary to help people find their very own Health and Wellness path. Some will need to change their diets, while others will need to change their workout routines. Some will have to make many, many changes, most likely slowly over time, while others have to just tweak their current program and can do it quickly.
Covid 19 is effecting everyone around the world, though very little are getting ill. Many have lost their jobs due to the lockdowns and some job may never come back. The stress of the governmental actions do take a toll on the body and staying healthy can be a challenge. Physical fitness has an important role in keeping people healthy. Don’t forget to workout, but don’t get sick at the gym.
Jeremy of Geeks + Gamers loves to rant, usually about Star Wars and Lucasfilm. Channel Dad Bryon Lape is a founding member of The Fandom Menace, so why doesn’t he rant more? He personally knows Jeff of World Class Bullshitters and has recorded videos with him. Bryon Lape also knows the other members of the World Class Bullshitters and brought the fans together to create the podcast called The Fan Caste. He is older than Uncle Ethan as well. So why not rant more?
Ranting is negative energy and all it brings is more negativity. Jeremy may grow the Geeks and Gamers channel with his style and that is good for him. Jeff takes a more middle of the road approach with the World Class Bullshitters, but it is his factual toy videos, in particular the Star Wars toys, that has made his channel grow quite well. Channel Dad Bryon Lape takes a more positive approach to his channel and covers items that interest him. This does include Star Wars, the MCU, and other Pop Culture items, but it is not limited to that realm. Bryon Lape is also interested in Fitness, Health, Photography, Computer Generated Images (check out his DAZ Studio attempts….and yes, he is learning Blender), and many other delightful topics. After all, this is Channel Dad Bryon Lape’s Random World of Wonderfulness.
Why the name “Channel Dad”? Why does Bryon Lape use that so much that he renamed his channel to reflect it? That is a most excellent question. When he decided to create a Blue Ocean Strategy for his channel, Bryon Lape decided to connect people and ideas. Though he does interviews from time to time, it is not a main thrust of his channel. Finding people with different ideas and connecting them with others is what he does best. The connecting is a talent Bryon Lape has had for years. When Jeff Hicks of the World Class Bullshitters gave him the title of “Channel Dad,” it was due to him driving the group to various events and connecting them with others. The Blue Ocean Strategy that Bryon Lape creates gives a more balanced approach to various pop culture events, even as Jeremy of Geeks + Gamers rants. Jeremy’s energy is balanced by Channel Dad’s moderated approach, giving members of the Fandom Menace a scale upon which to measure their own impressions. This is obvious from his Star Wars, DCEU, and MCU videos, so please delight in the other stuff too.