The Nikon D600 is out! It is here! Finally! Woo hoo! Ok, but why????
A few things for the technical geeks. It has 24 megapixels, so now you can zoom way in and have good, sharp images. If you lens can give you that much information. It uses SD based cards like all the other pro-sumer oriented cameras. Ok, not all, but most. TheĀ means SDHC and SDXC are supported. These cards are quick, high capacity and inexpensive. And it has two of these slots, like the Nikon D7000. That’s cool!
Yeah, so what? So it is another camera at the top of the pro-sumer line.
This one is different! This one is….Full Frame!!! Yep! Finally! A full frame camera from Nikon around $2,000!
So??? That means Nikon is finally allowing the rest of us to choose a full frame. That means no more cropping those old, beautiful lenses. That means we finally get great color and low noise ISO down in the price range that doesn’t require a second mortgage. That means that we may finally get a full frame price war between Nikon and Canon (please feel free to join in the fray Sony, Olympus and Pentax). This is great!
I really love the idea of the Nikon D600! No, I will not get one….yet…I tend to be a second generation adopter, but I really love this. Currently, I have a D7000 and I will definitely be upgrading at some point. I had thought to wait for the replacement of the D7000, but now I know I will not. That is, of course, unless it is a full frame camera. I have some older Tamron lenses that are full frame. Yes, the current crop factor of DX sensors is nice, but I’d rather have an affordable full frame with 16 megapixels than a 24 megapixel, APS-C sensor (yeah D5200, I’m talking to you) anyway.
This is the start of the full frame revolution. No longer relegated to the top end, really freaking expensive cameras, full frame for the masses is finally becoming a reality for every one. Yes, it is only the first camera in the Nikon line to be full frame at this level, but more will follow. Someday the entry level camera will be full frame too. I cheer its arrival.
See my video of my thoughts on the D600. Subscribed to my YouTube channel and share in the discussion.
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