Do you go all out in the gym? Does this sometimes lead to an injury that keeps you at home for a week or two, and then you injure something else when you return?
Or perhaps you are like many people who have been stuck at home while their gym was closed by the Government. Returning to the gym after 2 months and trying to pick right back up from where you were can lead to some injuries. Take your time and listen to your body.
Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article by Jenn Sinrich on the Muscle and Fitness site. Jenn’s topic is 14 secrets of people who never get exercise injuries. In the controlled environment of the gym or training facility, it is very important to not do things that lead to injuries. Use these 14 secrets and stay health post training.
Want to read Jenn’s article for yourself? Here is the link to the Muscle and Fitness site: https://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/workout-tips/14-secrets-people-who-never-get-exercise-injuries/
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