The last few months have seen me using the exercises in Iron Man Magazine nearly exclusively. In particular, those found within the Training & Research Center’s articles, using the ideals of HIT and 4x. Steve Holman’s articles have lead to very good results and since the body needs to be confused from time to time, it is now that there will be some change.
For June and July, I am going to go with heavier workouts, though the reps will not be forced to drop much. Research is starting to show that decline chest exercises are more effective and stimulating the pectoral muscles. All the standing cable flyes will be replaced, as with the flat press. I’ve also knocked out some of the supersets and lowered the overall number of exercises. I want more bang for my time. The resulting chest, back and ab workout will now look like this:
- Declined flyes 3×10
- Declined dumbbell bench press 3×10
- Super set:
- Flat flyes 3×10
- Wide-grip bench dips 3×10
- Smith machine flat bench (negative) 1×9
- Super set:
- Pulldowns 3×10
- Undergrip pulldowns 3×10
- Upright barbell rows 3×12
- Super set:
- Dumbbell shrugs 3×12
- Laterals 3×10
- Knee Ups 4×12
The idea is to do this workout at least through June and then perhaps tweak it a bit for July. This is done once a week, usually on Monday, with a followup workout on Fridays that is more TORQ oriented. The latter workout will remain from the Iron Man articles and will be adjusted once the July issue of the magazine has arrived.
Changes for the leg work are still being finalized and will be posted as soon as they are ready.
Happy lifting.