It is time to shoot again. This time, HDRI and film are on the agenda. The sun is out today and the day lilies glow in the light. The ideas for today are to take some closeup and macro pictures of the flowers. The Pentax Spotmatic and Nikon N8008s will also be used to capture some pictures on Fujicolor 200 ASA (ISO) film. If the wind is down enough, some HDR images will also be made.
Oh wait, what controversy?
The crop factor in Nikon’s DX cameras is 1.5x. Their line of Nikkor DX lenses are made to only cover the space of the sensor. Place one of these lenses on a full-frame camera and it will not cover the whole sensor. I’ve contented that this means the measurements of the millimeter size of the DX lenses has already been adjusted to the crop factor. So, taking a 70mm full-frame lens and placing it on a full-frame body should have the same view as a 70mm DX lens placed on a DX camera. Some say this is not correct. Experiment time.
Today, this hypothesis will be put to the test by switching lenses on the Nikon D7000. Those lenses are the Nikkor AF-S 18-70mm 3.5-4.5G ED DX, Tamron AF 70-300mm 4-5.6 Tele-macro DI and the Nikkor AF 35-80mm 4-5.6D. The latter two lenses are full-frame and all three intersect at 70mm. The full-frame lenses should look zoomed a bit more on the D7000. We shall see. Watch the resulting video on Bryon Lape YouTube channel. A similar experiment was also performed on the N8008s and will be reported once the film has been processed and the results scanned. Oh, the blending of new and old technologies.
It was a good, though hot, day shooting. Video and stills taken. Yep, so HDR too. It is time to process the images and get busy posting. Ask me your questions, I’ll tell you no lies.
Happy shooting.