The need to change workout routines differs between people. Some like to do the same routine for months, sometimes for years. There is debate as to whether the body adjusts and stops responding or not. For me, I get bored, so switching every 6 to 8 weeks is a requirement. It is time to address the leg routine and make some changes. The previous routine served well.
What to do?
Looking through several issues of Iron Man Magazine did yield several interesting ideas. As the previous routine was built on articles by Steve Holman, a different author may provide new insight, new ideas. The May 2013 issue, the one with Samantha Ann Leete on the cover and her awesome interview and pictorial inside, contained the winning routine. I’ll write more about the lovely Samantha later.
The article by Roger Lockridge is titled “30 in 30” and aims to add 30 pounds to your squats in 30 days. That is some tall claim. When I first read the article in April (that’s when the May issue arrived), I was more into Steve’s routines, so there was no impetus to install it into the workouts. The time for change has now come.
The routine is brutal with rest periods of only 1 minute or 90 seconds, depending on the exercises being performed. It is centered around the squat, duh, using the leg press as a method to really burn the leg muscles. Leg curls and extensions are first used to warm the muscles, not as a pre-exhaust, and then as a finishing super set. The calves too get their our exercise at the end.
My gym does not have a seated calf raise, so standing raises are used as a substitute. Here is the routine I’m following every 4 days.
- Leg extension (warmup) 2×20
- Seated leg curls (warmup) 2×20
- Squats (light to heavy to 1 rep max)
- Light 2×10
- Heavier 2×5
- Very Heavy 2×3
- 1 Rep Max 2×1
- Super set
- Leg presses (feet high, close) 3×15,12,10
- Leg presses (feet low, wide) 3×15,12,10
- Super set
- Leg extensions 3×25
- Leg curls 3×25
- Calf raises 4×20
Rest for a full minute between warmup sets and 90 seconds between work sets. This isn’t a power lifting routine, so don’t let your heart rate drop.
Time to move some iron.
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