Tag Archives: United States Constitution

The Path Of The Tyrant

The method of the Tyrant draws the creation of need, whether through neglect or direct contrivance, to the Public who believes the forbearance of the State till no other avenue has presence. Thereby leading the Public to acceptance, perhaps demanding, the Solution given by the State as the only viable Choice. The Truth being the State generated the circumstance and guided the Public to the path leading to the Tyrant’s placement in power. The culmination of such a path is total loss of Liberty and total growth of the State.

A Public such imprisoned by the Tyrant will have exchanged their Liberty for the illusion of Security. Their light will fade and become unknown. The memory of their Posterity will not contain the pains of Liberty, unless applied by an Awakening. A Public awakened requires temperance lest they should replace one Tyrant with another. Sovereign leadership will direct the Public to apply energy to removing the Tyrant and establishing Liberty.

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