A new year has started and the last year of the second decade of the 21st century is upon us. Are you ready for a the Blue Ocean Shift?
Too often people and companies get bogged down in the Red Ocean of over competition. They are constantly churning in the same space as everyone else, dividing the current market into smaller and smaller pieces. Organic growth is not possible and many feel like failures. There is no need to be this way. Enter a Blue Ocean.
What is a Blue Ocean? It is quite simple, expanding into a new area, a new market. For individuals, it is growing into new ideas and new methods. A business may create a new market with new products or expanding on an existing product in a new and novel way. The water in a Blue Ocean is clean. The waters do not churn.
As 2019 drew to a close, my YouTube channel was mostly in retreat. There are various reasons I was losing subscribers, but I was determined to be open to new avenues and new ideas. I started reading the book Blue Ocean Shift and it really started to teach me a few things. The rollover into 2020 brought growth back to my channel and a new outlook for the future. I stepped out of the Red Ocean of anger and bitterness and stepped into the Blue Ocean of Peace and Fulfillment. A growing channel was not the only positive.
In mid-November I left a job that I enjoyed to seek one that offered better fulfillment. Within the first two weeks, there was serious talk of me doing several Lunch and Learns to teach the junior developers. This was a large piece that was missing from my last job. This is why I was here. Each day as the challenges come forth, it is easier and easier to let the negative emotions go and live in the present in Peace and Gratefulness. It is amazing.
The other books I am reading is The Art of Living by Bob Proctor. This is a books I started several years ago and then neglected for too long. The Art of Living and Blue Ocean Shift books are incredible and well aligned. One book will bring up a point and the other will re-enforce the idea. For more alignment, watch some of Bob Proctor’s videos. The Secret is being aligned to the proper energy and believing you will succeed. Most likely you will have to change your subconscious. There is where the real battle is.
In this realm, the year 2020 is officially the year of alignment. Finding your path and purpose. Creating your Blue Ocean.