Since the start of the James Bond film franchise, woman have played an important role in the life of 007. Sometimes they met untimely ends such as Jill Masterson in Goldfinger, while other times they wanted to kill James Bond, Xenia Onatopp in GoldenEye or Elektra King in The World Is Not Enough. Each had their role and each made their contribution.
In more modern times, the Bond Girl as they came to be called, are seen by some as mere bimbos; play things for James Bond to bed and discard. It doesn’t seem to matter to these people that Christmas Jones was a Doctor and gave crap back to James Bond as well as he could dish it out (Yes, she does participate in the “Christmas comes once a year” joke at the end). Perhaps they forgot that Wai Lin could fight and shot better than Bond and she kept James alive more than once. How can these women get the Bond Girl so wrong? What do they want?
The first question is rooted in third wave feminism and becomes convoluted to answer. The second is quite simple: no more bond girls. Yes, you read that correctly.
News from the set of No Time To Die has surfaced about the future of Bond Girls and the nature of his marriage to Dr. Madeleine Swann. This is the latest James Bond film and stars Daniel Craig is what should be his last time as 007. After all, Daniel is over 50 and no spring chicken. He also serves the older man, younger woman trope far too heavily.
The banning of the term “Bond Girl” from the set is not the only misgiving worrying fans. The other is about James Bond’s wife. Though James has been married before in both the books and films, after all, Ian Fleming named the character after an American ornithologist and author of the guide Birds of the West Indies. Flemming’s wife was also an ornithologist. The name James Bond was chosen as it was dull. Things were to happen to him, not from him. Having a wife that took his name and perhaps overshadowed Bond would make sense, but that’s not what the woke crowd is on about these days.
After marrying Dr. Madeleine Swann, James Bond is told by his new wife that she will not take his name. She will remain Doctor Swann, thank you very much. In the age of pure political correctness and cancel culture, there will be no more Mrs. Bond. It is Swann, Doctor Swann. Welcome to the new age, James.