More than once, it has been noted here that Elizabeth Hurley is a savvy business woman. The pictures she shares of herself in swimsuits on Instagram are more than just to wow people in how well she is aging. Sure, Elizabeth Hurley is in her mid-50s and looks incredible. Sure, Elizabeth Hurley is careful and mindful of what she eats and stays active all day long. Sure, Elizabeth Hurley as a bit of privilege from her acting roles. But more than all of those, Elizabeth Hurley is a business woman who has built her own brand around herself. She and her shining smile are her brand.
Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article from the Health website written by Claire Gillespie. Much like Bryon Lape, Claire Gillespie does take note of Elizabeth Hurley’s business acumen. Claire declares Elizabeth Hurley is a savvy business woman in the opening sentence. Using herself as a model for the swimsuits and accessories, Elizabeth Hurley combines her beauty and fitness with her products, making a seamless brand that causes pictures of Elizabeth Hurley to go viral on Instagram.
Want to read Claire Gillespie’s article on the Health website? Here is the link.
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