All posts by Bryon Lape

Bitburger Premium Pils Review

To Americans, pilsner is a weak and pale yellow style of beer made to be chugged and not enjoyed. That is quite sad and is the result of the mega breweries and their pale beers. In reality, the Pilsner style has good flavor and compliments food very well. Though it was created in Plzeň (Pilsen in German) of the Czech Republic. The style was first created in 1375 when the Bohemian king Charles IV endowed the Dobrow Monastery.

Channel Dad Bryon Lape reviews the Bitburger Premium Pils. Bitburger is located nearly as far away from Pilsen one can get and still be in Germany. The Pils style is very popular in Germany and some of the breweries make a crappy imitation. How does the Bitburger variety measure up? Yes, another pilsner review.

Want more information about the Bitburger Premium Pils beer? Visit the brewery website.


Josh Trank To Lucasfilm – I Quit!

Before the Force Awakens hit theaters, Josh Trank had been hired by Lucasfilm to make a Boba Fett movie. It seemed things were going along well and then it was announced Josh Trank was no longer on the project. Many assumed Kathleen Kennedy had fired Josh Trank over creative differences, but now it has been announced that Josh Trank quite the Boba Fett movie before Lucasfilm could fire him.

Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article by Ana Dumaraog on the ScreenRant website. Their source is Polygon.

J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson seem to be the only directors Kathleen Kennedy has not fired from their projects. There is a long line of directors that have not made the first cut and it grows longer. Kathleen seems to have “creative differences” with nearly everyone. The results are the huge The Force Awakens, the fan base divider known as The Last Jedi, and the mediocre and fan displeasing The Rise of Skywalker. So divided where fans after The Last Jedi help Solo to be the only Star Wars movie to lose money.

Read the source article:

Who is the leader of the Fandom Menace? It is Geeks and Gamers or is there no leader?

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#JoshTrank #StarWars #Lucasfilm

Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training – Is It Right For You?

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder tried Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST) on patients who had high blood pressure, but were otherwise in good health. The results were astonishing with all of them lowering their systolic by 12mm. More research is being conducted, but it does look promising for those needing to expand their lung capacity without doing 30 minutes of aerobics.

Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article on Get Pocket by Sarah Sloat. Are you a couch potato who needs to get moving? Could IMST help you accomplish your fitness goals? Listen and learn.

Converting lazy Foo tutorials To C#

Perhaps no other library has abstracted the creation and use of a GUI from the code like SDL2 Framework. It is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is written in C, but interfaces well with C++.

Search for tutorials on using SDL2 and most likely there will be a short path to Lazy Foo. The self-hosted tutorial is 55 lessons long and starts with how to install SDL2 Framework on Windows, macOS (OS/X), and Linux. The Lazy Foo tutorials then cover how to create a window, using images, True Type Fonts (TTF), Sound, Events, and all the way to Touch. The one catch, all the code is in the ancient language of C++.

Creating a .Net Core 3 layer for SDL2 requires not only understanding how to interface C# code with SDL2 Framework, but also creating some tutorials to help others understand. Why not combine converting code with an already established and recognized SDL2 tutorial set? Enter the project to convert Lazy Foo to C#.

Great! Where to start? Getting things setup in Rider? Ok. What about Visual Studio? Don’t have. Arg. Very well. Let’s skip all that and go to the code. If you want the .Net Core3 layer for SDL2, visit Brainmuffin’s GitHub.

Got it? Let’s go.

The code for the first Lazy Foo tutorial is here.

Let’s get to converting. First, the includes.

The Lazy Foo tutorial starts with two very simple header files. Only two, if you can believe it:

#include <SDL.h> #include <stdio.h>

C# will need a bit more than that. There are the standard system items, the need for interop services, as well as, the calls from the .Net Core 3 layer.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using static SDL2.NetCore3.SDL;
using static SDL2.NetCore3.SDL_error;
using static SDL2.NetCore3.SDL_pixels;
using static SDL2.NetCore3.SDL_timer;
using static SDL2.NetCore3.SDL_surface;
using static SDL2.NetCore3.SDL_video;

The globals will need to be moved into class variables. After all, the calling is coming from somewhere else. Using Rider on macOS or Linux means only command line programs.

As this is the first Lazy Foo tutorial, the class name will reflect it as L01_Hello_SDL. Also, being C#, the calls to SDL are unsafe, no matter which Operating System is being used. This is where the Native Interop Services is used. Call .Show from a command line program.

public static class L01_Hello_SDL
private const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
private const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;

public static void Show()
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0)
throw new Exception($"SDL could not initialize! SDL_Error: {SDL_GetError()}");

if (window == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Exception($"Window could not be created! SDL_Error: {SDL_GetError()}");

var screenSurface = SDL_GetWindowSurface( window );
var convertedScreen = Marshal.PtrToStructure<SDL_Surface>(screenSurface);

//Fill the surface white
SDL_FillRect( screenSurface, null, SDL_MapRGB( convertedScreen.format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ) );

//Update the surface
SDL_UpdateWindowSurface( window );

//Wait two seconds
SDL_Delay( 2000 );

SDL_DestroyWindow( window );

//Quit SDL subsystems

BSG Reboot Gets A Show Runner

It has only been 11 years since Ronald D. Moore’s reboot of Battlestar Galactica finished and end its run. Later there was a prequel mini-series showing the start of the Cylon invasion. There was also a spin-off show called Caprica. Is barely a decade too soon to reboot?

Hollywood is too afraid of new ideas, so naturally NBC is looking to reboot Battlestar and play it on its new streaming service called Peacock. Yes, not only is yet another reboot of Galactica being planned, there is yet another streaming service behind a paywall. Good grief.

The show runner for Galactica reboot has been named and it is Michael Lesslie. There is not much of a track record there either.

Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article by Jim Vejvoda on IGN which has all the details. Are you ready for yet another Battlestar Galactica reboot? Do you think Michael Lesslie will do a good job?

Read the source article:

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See Avengers: Endgame Again When Theaters Reopen?

Hopefully soon movie theaters will be able to open again, even if the capacity is limited. With the release of many of the summer blockbusters put on hold, which movies should the studios release? Would you want your major movie released when less than 50% of the theater will be full?

The Russo brothers were recently asked about this situation and they were quite quick to suggest their two big MCU movies, Infinity War and Endgame, be released again so fans can again experience them in the cinema. Imagine being able to see the end of Phase 3 of the MCU on the big screen.

Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article by Fred Topel on CheatSheet with Joe and Anthony Russo about releasing their MCU movies again. What if Marvel released all of the MCU movies again about a month apart? It may take years for the cinema experience to be fully realized again, so covering all the MCU movies might be a great idea.

Perhaps Marvel Phase 5 should be put on hold a bit and the Avengers MCU movies be released again. Start with Captain America: The First Avenger and proceed from there. Avengers Infinity War will lead the fans into their seats. Avengers Endgame will return the fire to the MCU fans. The Marvel Cinematic Universe will be ignited again and the Black Widow movie will do better at the box office. Scarlett Johansson has been a part of the MCU for years and she deserves to have her movie perform better than any female lead comic book movie in history.

Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman Effect – Super Friends – DCEU

Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman Effect - Super Friends - DCEU

Gal Gadot has had several phases in her life. In her teenage years, she entered and woman a few beauty pageants. After college, she entered into the Israel military where she started to do some modeling. It was during her time in the Israel Army when she was noticed by a film producer and entered the Fast and Furious franchise. But it was not until she became Wonder Woman that her life fully changed.

Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article by Stefan Preston exploring the Wonder Woman effect on Gal Gadot’s career. Patty Jenkins also notices the Wonder Woman effect when fans meet Gal in person. How has the Wonder Woman effect affected you?

When will the Super Friends be in the DCEU?

Read the full article:

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Were Strict Lockdowns Effective? Nobel Prize Winning Scientist

Every day the news about Covid goes this way and that. WHO says one thing and then two weeks later they take a different stance. What is the truth? Where is the science? A Nobel Prize winning scientist has some answers.

In 2013, Professor Michael Levitt who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Levitt has looked at the data and he says that Germany and Sweden had the right answer, while countries like the UK will be in a real problem as they have no “herd immunity”.

Any updates on Austria and Australia? Want to read the article?

Rise Of Skywalker Retconned Disney Star Wars – Scott Mendelson

The Rise Of The Skywalker Retcon

The wondrous Scott Mendelson is back with more Star Wars columns. Apparently, during these times of no new movies, he is going to bring up The Last Jedi once a month. That is not only good for Scott Mendelson, but will give Channel Dad Bryon Lape something to read incorrectly for a Star Wars video.

Though many fans likes The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi completely split the fan base. Rian Johnson tied up, ended, reworked, and nearly completely destroyed all the handing threads J. J. Abrams left after episode 7. When it came to create The Rise of Skywalker, J. J. had to retcon so much of what Rian did. Many fans see it that way, but Scott Mendelson does not. For him, The Last Jedi did not retcon the Star Wars saga, but the Rise of Skywalker did. J. J. Abrams’ episode 9 was so bad it undid the entire Skywalker saga.

What do you think of Scott Mendelson’s article? Do you agree with him? Read the article in full.

MuscleTech Vapor One Pre-Workout Empty Container Review

There seems to be a never ending supply of pre-workouts from MuscleTech and Channel Dad Bryon Lape is out to review them all. Is he crazy?

Up for review is MuscleTech Vapor One pre-workout. Channel Dad took the supplement for a month and now reviews the empty container. Was this pre-workout worth the money?

Bodybuilding supplements come in many varieties and from many companies: MuscleTech and BPI to only name two. Take the Vapor One MuscleTech pre-workout before starting your home workout.

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