Doctor Who: Massive New Time Lord Story

Many Doctor Who fans miss Chris Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor Who and want to see more adventures with him. ScreenRant is reporting the BBC is working on a huge new Time War story that will feature not only Chris Eccleston’s Doctor, but those of McGann and Tennant. Rose Tyler is also believed to be a part of this event.

Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article from ScreenRant about a new Doctor Who even that the BBC has announced, but no details have been released. What is known for sure is the story will take place in the timeframes of the Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Doctors.

The new Time War story will not be on BBC television, but cover nearly all other types of media including books, VR games, role-playing games, and escape rooms. The huge venture is a joint effort among BBC, Penguin Random House, BBC Books, Titan Comics, Doctor Who Magazine, Big Finish productions, BBC Audio, Eaglemoss Hero Collector, Immersive Everywhere, Maze Theory, and Escape Hunt.

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