Before the Force Awakens hit theaters, Josh Trank had been hired by Lucasfilm to make a Boba Fett movie. It seemed things were going along well and then it was announced Josh Trank was no longer on the project. Many assumed Kathleen Kennedy had fired Josh Trank over creative differences, but now it has been announced that Josh Trank quite the Boba Fett movie before Lucasfilm could fire him.
Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article by Ana Dumaraog on the ScreenRant website. Their source is Polygon.
J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson seem to be the only directors Kathleen Kennedy has not fired from their projects. There is a long line of directors that have not made the first cut and it grows longer. Kathleen seems to have “creative differences” with nearly everyone. The results are the huge The Force Awakens, the fan base divider known as The Last Jedi, and the mediocre and fan displeasing The Rise of Skywalker. So divided where fans after The Last Jedi help Solo to be the only Star Wars movie to lose money.
Read the source article:
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