Congress. Why bother? Too many people want free stuff, so Congress spends money from those who have yet to be born. After all, they have to get the votes. The clueless sheep keep voting and no one can do math. Why bother?
The Fiscal Cliff was created to scare everyone and it worked. Now Congress has pushed a bill through that totally screws the taxpayer. Who cares about the future? Obama wants to be dictator and he needs the country to collapse. What few Republicans will stand up are shouted down by the morons who cannot add and vote for free stuff. The useful idiots are everywhere. After call, Capitalism got us into this mess, right? NO! Dead wrong!
It is no wonder the Government is in control of education. When people are educated, they are harder to control. Jimmy Carter gave us the Department of Education and they in-turn gave us “New Math” which guaranteed Math illiteracy. Two generations of idiots later, Obama wins re-election and most of them voted to get free stuff. None of them can do the math to know we cannot pay for any of it. Mean spirited Republicans stealing all that money from the poor. Boo!
Idiots all. There isn’t a single Obama voter who isn’t a self-centered spoiled brat. It is all Bush’s fault. The unfunded wars. The tax cuts. Blah…Blah…do the Math. You are wrong.
So, why does Congress bother to meet? There hasn’t been a budget in four years, yet Obama has raised taxes on the working class, he has expanded the sexual assault provided by the TSA, has destroyed health insurance for all but the wealthiest and has expanded the war in Afghanistan. What does he do for an encore? Expand the war into Africa, of course. Is any of this funded? Does it matter? Uncle Ben will just print more money, robbing the working class more and pay it to their banker friends.
Enough. If you really care about any kind of real future for America, there is no way you can vote for a Democrat. No way. All but a few Republicans are in the same boat. Push them out to sea and let them go. It is time for real Change.