I am quite proud of my daughter, Keleigh Lape. She has been accepted to attend the Dallas Expo (fully the Model & Talent Expo presented by Mike Beaty) as a representative for John Casablancas in Cincinnati, Ohio. There are some who claim this Expo is total crap and a scam. It does costs money to attend the Expo, but it is limited to no more than 500 talented people. This is very unlike other expos and gives the attendees far greater exposure to agencies.
So, what does this have to do with Elle Macpherson?
Elle is a woman I’ve wanted to meet and photograph for quite some time. I’d like to meet her as she seems quite the woman. She leveraged being a model to act in several movies, the most notable being her role in Sirens. How lovely were her assets?
As her modelling career wound to a close, she was able to use her image and fan to become a serious businesswoman. This too makes her quite desirable to meet and interview. No, not an interview like for Newsweek, more a like and afternoon chat among friends.
Who knows where my daughter’s modeling career will lead. It would be a good ending to be in New York someday with Keleigh and meet Elle. Perhaps Elle could give Keleigh pointers and advice on using her modeling for more after the path has been run.
And maybe, just maybe. Elle will let me take her picture.
A new beer review. This time, the Nut Brown Ale from Mount Carmel Brewing in, well, where else??? Mount Carmel, Ohio. Let’s get going.
The Nut Brown Ale from Mount Carmel is the first of their beers I tried. At the same time, I met Mike Dewey at the Jungle Jim’s International Beer fest. He gave me a taste of the beer of which he was the most proud and believed to be his best.
When at proper temperature, the Nut Brown delivers a good balance of malt sweetness and hop bitterness, with a hint of maple. The balance plays through to the end, living a slight lingering bitterness. The finish is very clean.
There are several ideas for food pairings, including a breakfast minded selection.
Banana and Walnut pancakes
Maple syrup (the real stuff)
Whipped Butter
Thick cut bacon
Cheddar Bacon Cheeseburger (Applewood smoked bacon and sharp cheddar)
Home fries (sea salt and spice medley)
Coleslaw (carrot over cabbage)
Replace grilled chicken with the cheeseburger
Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette
Fresh vegetable mixture with Spinach, carrots, onion and some radish
Have you tried this beer? Have other pairing ideas? Want to see a particular beer review? Subscribe and leave comments.
Louisiana State Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1940 ballot box labeled “Spoiled” from election fraud investigation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As the election season of 2012 went forward, there were reports of more and more fraud. All kinds of oddities were popping up, mostly in hotly contested key states. Each day since the election seems to bring more to light. How fraudulent were these elections?
I know the Democrat supports and fan boys will be crying foul about now. They will no doubt point out George Bush stole the election in 2000. They are wrong and their minds are incapable of knowing the truth. In every recount, Bush won Florida. This includes recounts done after the elections by various media outlets. The myth still lives on. The election of 2012, however, is another matter.
During the months leading to election day, there were reports of fraudulent voter registrations in Ohio. The reports stated out of state voters were being bussed in and given fake bills to use as evidence of having moved. No thorough investigation was conducted by law enforcement and the Democrat supports claimed it was all false claims laid out by Glenn Beck. Oddity number 1.
During early voting in Ohio, North Carolina and Colorado came reports that votes for Mitt Romney were being tuned into Obama votes. The machines were checked. Some failed, most didn’t. Election officials stated there was nothing wrong and again it was hype by Glenn Beck. The Marion Star pulled the articles from their website within a day. All is well people, pay no attention to the man behind the mirror. Oddity number 2.
Reports surfaced about fraudulent voter registrations in Illinois. While this is nothing new for Chicago, why would Barry need fake votes in that state? What was going on? He should have have Illinois locked up. Even Jesse Jackson campaigned for him in Illinois. Huh. Oh yeah, that’s normal. Oddity number 3.
On election day itself, everyone’s peace loving organization “The New Black Panthers” showed up to intimidate white folks, I mean protect the locals, in Philadelphia. They stood in the doorways against voting laws. The cops did nothing. After all, them white folks tried to get picture identification required for voting, someone has to stick up for the poor inner city folk. Oddity number 4.
Philadelphia didn’t only have the Black Panthers for oddities. Republican election officials were illegally kicked out of voting areas for several hours. Reports stated up to 70 such officials were removed, some by force. A judge eventually ordered that they be allowed back in. What went on in the meantime? No one seems to know or care. After all, Philly was an easy claim by Barry. Why would he need any help there?? Oddity number 5.
Military votes, many times not counted in states were they have no effect on the outcome, have been reported lost or delayed by various means. Some were accidentally dumped overboard when transferring off ship. Some were accidentally marked as ammunition and sent to Afghanistan. Many of those that arrived did so on November 7, quite conveniently on day too late. Early counts on this votes show that in some key states, they may have tipped the vote to Romney. Again no investigation, no outcry. Oddity number 6.
Here are six oddities about this election and this is not an exhaustive list. There are ties to George Soros to voting machines in the northern mid-West. There is also Obama receiving funds directly from sources outside the US, in violation of campaign finance laws. And there are more. How many oddities does it take to make people wonder just how free this election was? Whose voice was actually heard on November 6? Is David Icke correct and there really are Lizard Overlords on the moon?