Tag Archives: David Icke

David Icke Is Full Of Crap

English: David Icke, English writer and public...
English: David Icke, English writer and public speaker (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

David Icke. To many, he is a blabbering fool who talks nonsense about Satanic cults, a Saturn-Moon Matrix, alien reptilians from other dimensions and how pedophiles run the world. To others, he is a modern day prophet, showing the way to a new reality and starting a revolution against the world’s oppressors. Are both correct?

David Icke is most definitely anti-establishment. That should not be confused as a Communist or even Socialist. He does not believe Government is the answer for anything and large Governments are the worst. His political leanings seem more Libertarian than any other label. He doesn’t seem to have much faith in the American Constitution either. He sees the found of America as a scam pulled by the Free Masons of the Colonies. Never mind there was a very large and powerful anti-Masonic movement at the time of the founding. The National Bank was defeated twice in the early years and it did not successfully return until 1913.

David Icke is most definitely anti-religion, especially what he calls Christianity. Other than a supposed amalgamation of Isis, Ra and El to make the English word Israel, he seems to give the Hebrews a pass. He also finds no love for Islam, though he does seem to like Hinduism. His definition of Christianity is synonymous with the Catholic Church and the Church of England, both of which he labels as Satanic Saturn worship. A reading of the New Testament easily shows that neither the Catholic Church nor the Church of England bears any resemblance to Christianity, so perhaps he has these cults labeled correctly, but lumping in Christianity is far from fair.

His amalgamation of ancient languages translated into English to prove his beliefs is beyond the pale. Israel more modern. In Hebrew, name is מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל which is rendered as Medīnat Yisrā’el, not such an amalgamation anymore, is it David Icke?

His ultimate goal is Love for All. This heavily echoes the very nature of Christ’s ministry. It also echoes Mahatma Gandhi principles. Some may argue that this is a Universal message, but given David Icke’s “all religions are bullocks” stance, it is more than ironic. I do agree with Icke’s message of Love. After all, it is the message of my Lord.

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It is time for 2013…More sharing…More Awakening…

Happy New Year 2013
Happy New Year 2013 (Photo credit: Mark Kens)

The year that was, 2012, has left me changed in more ways than I ever would have believed. I have shared of myself on this blog and on my YouTube channel in ways that I never imaged and the response has been incredible. From the questions and comments that people have been sending me, it looks like 2013 will deliver new avenues to explore and share.

I am looking forward to writing and creating videos sharing more of myself and my world. I do have requests to explore more of my INTJ-ness and what it was like growing up with that personality. Some of you want to know what it is like have Fi as a tertiary function and I look forward to sharing it with you.

Writing of the YouTube channel, I have found several videos that I shot near the end of 2011 that I neglected to publish. Many of them are about marketing: what it is, how to do it and why. These are quite informative and need to be shared. These videos were created in response to questions and answers are overdue.

Yes, 2013 does hold some scariness. The United States Congress seems hell bent on never producing no budget and Obama continues to show he has no leadership skills. Too many Americans are voting for free stuff, with no regard from where the money will come to give out so much crap. America is heading to the same place as Greece, if they do not wake up.

David Icke continues to make more sense with his presentations and connecting events. The overlords of the masses are very scared of him. More and more people are waking up, though far too many are asleep. The year 2013 is shaping to be a pivotal year. So much momentum was cared into 2012 it looked to be a breakout year. Alas, the Republican leadership scammed Romney upon the people and the overlords were able to get their fraud in-line for Obama’s re-election. None of the fraud will be investigated and no one will do jail time for breaking various election laws. Their fraud actions show how scared they are of the people. After all, the people cannot be trusted to elect the correct leaders.

So, here we come, 2013. Are you ready for us? This year, more people will wake up. More people will take control of their destiny and refuse to rely on the Government for their livelihood. More people will start a business and more people will find Freedom. And above all, more people learn the meaning of Liberty and how it was stolen from them. They will demand it back.

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The Fraudulent Re-election Of Barry Soetoro

Louisiana State Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana...
Louisiana State Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1940 ballot box labeled “Spoiled” from election fraud investigation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As the election season of 2012 went forward, there were reports of more and more fraud. All kinds of oddities were popping up, mostly in hotly contested key states. Each day since the election seems to bring more to light. How fraudulent were these elections?

I know the Democrat supports and fan boys will be crying foul about now. They will no doubt point out George Bush stole the election in 2000. They are wrong and their minds are incapable of knowing the truth. In every recount, Bush won Florida. This includes recounts done after the elections by various media outlets. The myth still lives on. The election of 2012, however, is another matter.

During the months leading to election day, there were reports of fraudulent voter registrations in Ohio. The reports stated out of state voters were being bussed in and given fake bills to use as evidence of having moved. No thorough investigation was conducted by law enforcement and the Democrat supports claimed it was all false claims laid out by Glenn Beck. Oddity number 1.

During early voting in Ohio, North Carolina and Colorado came reports that votes for Mitt Romney were being tuned into Obama votes. The machines were checked. Some failed, most didn’t. Election officials stated there was nothing wrong and again it was hype by Glenn Beck. The Marion Star pulled the articles from their website within a day. All is well people, pay no attention to the man behind the mirror. Oddity number 2.

Reports surfaced about fraudulent voter registrations in Illinois. While this is nothing new for Chicago, why would Barry need fake votes in that state? What was going on? He should have have Illinois locked up. Even Jesse Jackson campaigned for him in Illinois. Huh. Oh yeah, that’s normal. Oddity number 3.

On election day itself, everyone’s peace loving organization “The New Black Panthers” showed up to intimidate white folks, I mean protect the locals, in Philadelphia. They stood in the doorways against voting laws. The cops did nothing. After all, them white folks tried to get picture identification required for voting, someone has to stick up for the poor inner city folk. Oddity number 4.

Philadelphia didn’t only have the Black Panthers for oddities. Republican election officials were illegally kicked out of voting areas for several hours. Reports stated up to 70 such officials were removed, some by force. A judge eventually ordered that they be allowed back in. What went on in the meantime? No one seems to know or care. After all, Philly was an easy claim by Barry. Why would he need any help there?? Oddity number 5.

Military votes, many times not counted in states were they have no effect on the outcome, have been reported lost or delayed by various means. Some were accidentally dumped overboard when transferring off ship. Some were accidentally marked as ammunition and sent to Afghanistan. Many of those that arrived did so on November 7, quite conveniently on day too late. Early counts on this votes show that in some key states, they may have tipped the vote to Romney. Again no investigation, no outcry. Oddity number 6.

Here are six oddities about this election and this is not an exhaustive list. There are ties to George Soros to voting machines in the northern mid-West. There is also Obama receiving funds directly from sources outside the US, in violation of campaign finance laws. And there are more. How many oddities does it take to make people wonder just how free this election was? Whose voice was actually heard on November 6? Is David Icke correct and there really are Lizard Overlords on the moon?

Wake up America, before it is too late.

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