I came across Susan Cain’s video on TED TALKS while looking for fellow INTJs on YouTube. It may seem odd to be looking for others as an introvert, though it is quite normal for us. We are not necessarily shy. We internalize our thinking and like to be by ourselves. What better way to find others than through the Internet.
Introversion is not shyness. Introverts like to think to talk. They internalize their thought process and do look for the input of others. The value of others is high and they long to be valued.
Susan’s speech is about the power of introverts. She discuss how the tend to be better leaders and how solitude matters. Our society seems hellbent on removing extroverts. Classrooms are typically setup for group assignments and it causes introverts to feel uncomfortable or that they are in too noisy a place.
Solitude is important. Being able to go off by one’s self allows the mind to be free to express and explore. Ideas come forth and flourish. Today’s society sets higher value on sales than ideas. Here, Introverts are often overlooked and forgotten.
Groups are necessary for creating required solutions. Each person also needs to be valued to be left to work alone to foster deep thought. Truth is found in the stillness of many streams.