Tag Archives: The Law

Removing Can’t

In the English language, there are few words or phrases that are more destructive, more disruptive, more discouraging, nor more damaging than can’t. Matters not if it is used in its formal form of cannot, separated for emphases as can not, nor pronounced as if it spelled cain’t, the damage, the discouragement, the destruction is the same.

Parents will use the term believing they are teaching their children not to do something harmful. When physical or emotional harm is the known outcome, it is still encouraging to use another word. A child should not have to put their hands to a put stove to know it is hot and will burn them, but the common usage of can’t is too tempting to bleed over into other uses whose damage will not be seen for years.

Each person is born with a unique set of talents and gifts. Often parents are not sure what to do with their child when they are different. Unknowingly, a parent may tell a child they cannot do something out of fear or jealousy. Suppose they have a child who is adapt at piano when they never were. The parent might tell the child “You can’t spend the time to learn well enough.” The parent is making a judgement about their child and placing the seeds of doubt within them. Instead, the parent should empower the child to make a better decision whether to pursue and for how long: “I believe you can play well. Let’s set some learning goals and a practice schedule to get there.” Sure, these first goals may be as simple as learning the C scale in both directions with proper finger placement, but it shows the child how the path will look.

Parents are not the only ones who disarm with can’t. Often a person themselves will sabotage their own success by looking at a new endeavor and saying “I could never do that,” or worse “I can’t do that.” How do you know till you fully try? Don’t assume you cannot and then give a half-hearted effort to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, believe that perhaps you can do it. Create a plan, even it is just a mental one, and give 110% to the attempt. Decide and take massive action.

Inside each and every person ever born or will be born has an unique blend of talents and gifts that the World needs to better itself. How those gifts are used is the choice of that person and no one else. Whether or not those gifts and talents are used is also a choice of that same person, no matter what negative “can’t” words have been used by others toward them. Every great leap forward, every great progressive step, every breakthrough, every incredible discovery was created by someone who refused to accept the limits imposed of them by others. Create your can. Drop the can’t.

Creating Positive Energy

Eien / Universe / Believe in Love
Eien / Universe / Believe in Love (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Last week started out with the best of plans and intentions. The idea to read each chapter of “Working with the Law” by Raymond Holliwell over a week seemed like a very good one for truly studying the depth of each. The week began well, then Life starting to run in between the work, travel jumbled in the middle, and then illness finished out the Lack. Time to reset.

Recently I have discovered something about the song Time from the movie Inception. It has a melody that channels the mind and brings Peace. While writing today’s post, a 17 minute version is playing in the background. This is not a post to write “oh well” or “I’m a failure for not working the plan,” instead it is to show the pull of Positive energy.

Monday on the drive home from work, a small part of a sermon by Alistair Begg started a whole discussion with myself concerning his comments and the Law. Bob Proctor made the comment that God is the Creator and the Law creates and we create. Though only two days ago, I no longer remember the conclusions and particular points of the discussion (yes, recorded is needed), but the Lesson is well heard. Create with Positive Energy.

When things go wrong in Life, and they will, it is very easy to be angry or disappointed or hateful. All of these will start to create a Result and it will be negative. Though a Righteous Anger may be warranted by a circumstance, it must come from a Positive Energy flow, otherwise it will produce a tidal wave of negative.

As we Create for ourselves and others, Love must be the central ingredient. For it is Love that creates with the greatest Positive force the Universe can produce. It is Love that bears all things and it is Love that carries all things. Love carries concern and well-being. Love harnesses all other Positive aspects and energies. From Love flows all Good.

It was Love the created the Universe with a Word. It was Love the lead mankind through to the time with the Word become flesh and Love dwelt among us. It was Love that created Redemption for all.

Let Love reign throughout your experience. Let Love create within you first. Only then can Love go forth and create for others. For the Law will create through us whatever we prosper and Love is the greatest. Without Love, what will be created will bring ill and be against the underlying principle of the Law. It will become temporary and pass away. Love will build for a Lifetime.

The Law of the Hebrews was not one of endless rules. It established the required boundaries among behaviors for Yahweh’s creation and Himself. When consumed with a Power to rule, the Law became a weapon of destruction and slavery for the People. Christ spoke against this Law, declaring its practioners to be vipers and harlots. Yahweh’s House of Prayer became a dean of thieves and the people the servants of the money changers. That law produced a temporary result while Christ’s return to the Law produced eternal.

The Law is not a mere metaphysical explanation of reality. It is the Law of Yahweh manifest in today’s philosophy. Its greatest expression is Love and through Love the best Future is possible. Love starts within then pours out. Christ stated that All of the Law, not a part or portion, but ALL of the Law can be summed as “Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, Mind, and Soul, and Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Without a Love for self. Without a full acceptance that we are Created by God. Without Love pushing out the negative, Love cannot pour out as Positive Creation to anyone else. To know God is to know Love, for God is Love. The Law will produce what is set before it. Let it produce Love.

“The inner thought coming from the heart represents the real motives and desires. These are the cause of action.” -Raymond Holliwell

Working With The Law: A Study

For about a year now I’ve been meaning to read and study Raymond Holliwell’s “Working with the Law”. Finally, finally. It has been ordered and is now in my possession. I also have the companion CDs with discussion about the book and its chapters featuring Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey. Since acquiring them, I’ve listened to them twice.

I first came across The Secret on YoutTube and watched it several times. Bob is also featured in the movie and I started to find his other videos. Along the way, there was mention of Holliwell’s book and that slowly began my journey. A journey of understanding and wisdom.

Once the book arrived, I started to read each night. Listening to the appropriate CD on the way to work the next day. This worked for a few days, until I did read and then the CD was ahead. Driving to work without something going usually leads me to talk to myself (forget the radio). Sometimes this is necessary as I work various issues and ideas out, but sometimes it is not. A new plan is needed.

My order from Amazon also included Bob Proctor’s “The Art of Living,” so a new idea came to mind. What about reading both books at the same time? No, not each book every night, but some alternating scheme. Various ideas ran through my mind until one settled in: one Law chapter per week, Bob’s book on odd days, and the same CD each day. Interesting.

Sunday I’ll start the new idea, rereading chapter one as a whole. Mondays will have the chapter reviewed, a few pages in deep study, taking notes, highlighting, etc. Tuesday and Thursday evenings will be for reading “The Art of Living” and studying it as well. Wednesday and Friday evenings will be for the other two-thirds of the week’s chapter. Saturday is when the whole chapter will be read once again to summarize and continue.

The daily CDs on the drive to work? When my mind isn’t in full gear, the time will be used to listen to the proper CD for the chapter. Some of these are longer than one-way of my commute, so the ride home may also have more listening. If my mind needs to work things out, no sound, just talking.

I can’t wait to try this new approach to learning and studying “Working with the Law” and the changes it will bring to my Mind, Heart, and Life. So much has happened over the last year, this one will be no different.