Are Your Doors Open?

It seems such a simple question, but are the doors to your business open? Are you diversified in your advertisement portfolio or have you placed all your hopes and dreams into one basket? Just as with stock investments, the advertising for your business needs to be in more than one stream.


Social media sites are a great way to get your business heard. From Facebook to MySpace to Twitter, these sites can help target a niche audience. Though powerful, this is just one stream for your ads. Create fan pages for your business. Make a twitter profile to promote. Are you your business? Are you your brand? These social sites are even more powerful. Build your brand and your web presence at the same time. A two-fer. Learn the edicate expectations of these venues and get started.

Search Engines (SEO)

Yes, the Google algorithm keeps changing and it does seem to be a moving target, but search engines are still a good way to drive traffic for your business. Don’t enter SEO alone, but be careful. There are many hucksters out there who will gladly separate you from your money and give you no traffic results. A good one? Start with LinkNetworker.


Article marketing is a bit of a hybrid strategy. Posting to numerous article sites not only builds brand awareness and expertise, but it also creates more links to your site which also increases your SEO. More than just words, it shows you and your brand in context and creates greater depth.

Success Training

Ok great, but what about personal development? What about working on me as my brand? Get some serious success training. Dani Johnson is a great resource for such training. Affordable and accessible, Dani’s style is down to earth and direct. Her story is incredibly inspirational. She helps many people in all lines of businesses.

Offline Marketing

Having an Internet based business is not a reason to forget about offline marketing. Who hasn’t heard those radio spots for some or This can be a great way to generate leads for your business. This may also create a chance to lead share, depending on the type of business you have.

Now how are your doors? Are they closed or way wide open? Diversify your ad streams and they will stay wide open.