Debt Star Sign – Cincinnati Tea Party, March 15, 2009 (Photo credit: BrainMuffin)
Congress. Why bother? Too many people want free stuff, so Congress spends money from those who have yet to be born. After all, they have to get the votes. The clueless sheep keep voting and no one can do math. Why bother?
The Fiscal Cliff was created to scare everyone and it worked. Now Congress has pushed a bill through that totally screws the taxpayer. Who cares about the future? Obama wants to be dictator and he needs the country to collapse. What few Republicans will stand up are shouted down by the morons who cannot add and vote for free stuff. The useful idiots are everywhere. After call, Capitalism got us into this mess, right? NO! Dead wrong!
It is no wonder the Government is in control of education. When people are educated, they are harder to control. Jimmy Carter gave us the Department of Education and they in-turn gave us “New Math” which guaranteed Math illiteracy. Two generations of idiots later, Obama wins re-election and most of them voted to get free stuff. None of them can do the math to know we cannot pay for any of it. Mean spirited Republicans stealing all that money from the poor. Boo!
Idiots all. There isn’t a single Obama voter who isn’t a self-centered spoiled brat. It is all Bush’s fault. The unfunded wars. The tax cuts. Blah…Blah…do the Math. You are wrong.
So, why does Congress bother to meet? There hasn’t been a budget in four years, yet Obama has raised taxes on the working class, he has expanded the sexual assault provided by the TSA, has destroyed health insurance for all but the wealthiest and has expanded the war in Afghanistan. What does he do for an encore? Expand the war into Africa, of course. Is any of this funded? Does it matter? Uncle Ben will just print more money, robbing the working class more and pay it to their banker friends.
Enough. If you really care about any kind of real future for America, there is no way you can vote for a Democrat. No way. All but a few Republicans are in the same boat. Push them out to sea and let them go. It is time for real Change.
The Statue of Liberty, donated to the US by France, an artistic personification of the concept. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is the night before elections in America. According to the polls, it is anyone’s guess who will win. The polls claim it is all even. The polls are crap.
Look under the covers of these polls and you will find a telling story. They are cooked. Democrats are oversampled in such high numbers, higher than any real election, to make Obama look as good as possible. It is meant to keep Republicans at home thinking all is lost. What it really does is create an expectation with the dependent class that their slave master will win. When this does not happen, it is sure to bring about rioting in the streets.
The presidency of Mitt Romney will win. He has the momentum. He has the ground level support. Many long-time Democrats, the working class people of America, are chanting anyone but Obama. The presidency is his to lose.
Though many Republicans will cheer a Romney victory, the fact that Liberty will die a little more will be lost on them. They see themselves winning as a good thing. For America and Liberty, it matters little, unless by some stroke of incredible luck Gary Johnson should win. America was founded on the ideals of Personal Liberty and Opportunity. Neither major candidate embraces these ideals. Obama is a Marxist. Romney is a Social Democrat.
Once the results are known (I’m doubtful we will know for weeks after Obama and his ilk sue), I will breath a slight sigh of relief knowing Liberty will die a little slower. But after all the cheering and shouting, I’ll feel sad that more Freedoms will still be taken away.
A depressed man sitting on a bench (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Barack Obama’s poor performance at the debate in Denver has been attributed to many things. Some blamed John Kerry for not preparing Barack well enough. Some pointed to the lack of a teleprompter to help convey his message. Others blamed Jim Lehrer and the debate format, usually ignoring that Barack received 4 extra minutes overall. Al Gore claimed it was the altitude and lack of adjustment to the lower oxygen levels. All of these are wrong.
Obama is depressed.
The year 2008 held so much promise. The real powers behind the throne chose Barack Obama to run for president, meeting with both him and Hilary Clinton to discuss the matter. The media, eager to defeat the Social Democrats, created a persona for Barack that didn’t exist. Could America get past its slavery roots and vote for a black man? Had change finally come?
Barack was easily able to hid his Marxist and anti-Colonial thoughts from the easily swayed. Many such as Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity cried out that this man was not what he seemed. It didn’t matter. Barack was a blank slate and anyone could paint their own version of the man and they did. It didn’t matter that all one had to do was listen. It didn’t matter about his pastor Jeremiah Wright. It didn’t matter he couldn’t prove his citizenship. All that mattered was defeating the Social Democrats in the Republican party. After all, John McCain had his own problems. After all, John McCain was born in Panama. After all, voting against Barack was racist.
Obama was swept into power with unemployment on the rise and gas prices falling. He had both houses of Congress. He had the Supreme Court. He had total control. It was time to do what he came for. It was time to “fundamentally transform America” into the Marxist state of which he had dreamed for so long. He appointed Tsars to oversee aspects of the transfer. He didn’t consult with Congress. He didn’t get a budget passed. He just spent money.
Glenn Beck showed time after time what Barack was doing. He showed how Barack was building a second system and would work to collapse the current one into it. The dollar fell in value. Other world currencies started to have problems. Greece started to catch fire. There was talk of removing the dollar as the World Currency. It was all going to plan. Then it paused.
The 2010 elections saw the Marxists lose too much power in Congress. Barack started to use Executive Orders when he didn’t get his way. Harry Reid held up bills in the Senate that would help to improve the economy. Surely they could still make it collapse. After all, Europe was ok and China was growing. Gas prices were climbing and so was unemployment. After all, Obama was spending more than a trillion dollars in debt each year. Surely it would collapse. Alas….
Europe started to really catch fire. Riots in Greece spilled over into Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands and England. China’s growth, fake as it was, paused. Bernanke tried a QE 2 and eventually created QE infinity. Dollars are being printed at record pace. Japan and China keep outdoing each other in buying US bonds. The US government is in so much debt it can never repay. Surely it will all collapse! Surely Germany cannot save the world!
Obama’s approval ratings during all this fell to all time lows. The media tried desperately to recreate the myth. People had to know that disliking Obama was racist. He killed the Somali pirates. He killed Osama bin Laden. Obama is a hero, people!
By mid 2012, Obama realized his dream was not going to happen. More and more truth about him surfaced. The crowds of cheering fans are gone. Wisconsin went Republican for a governor, despite an out-of-state campaign to get him recalled. The Social Democrats were coming back to power. They don’t want a Marxist state, just a country they can control. Sarah Palin continued to grow in popularity. The Conservatives won a few here and there. Even the Libertarians feel good. All is not well is Barry’s world.
Obama has been showing signs of depression for several months now. His delivery is listless and he acts as though the doesn’t want to be President. He doesn’t. By now, the system was supposed to have collapsed. By now, he was supposed to have total authority. His minions try. The TSA becomes more brutal every day. The borders are wide open and the citizens are treated like cattle. Fast and Furious didn’t lead to mass call for oppressive gun control. The Social Democrats don’t have the backbone to jail Eric Holder. Obama’s dream is in limbo and the tide is starting to turn.
The citizens of America are starting to wake up. The rank and file Republicans are more jazzed for this election than in many years gone by. Mitt Romney, despite his “going through the motion” attitude is pulling way ahead and he is emerging as wanting to be President. The tide is turning.
Yet Barry still stands, though he wants to sit. There are talks of his inability to debate. The excuse machine is running full tilt. Hilary will not step in as she wants 2016. Joe Biden will not step in as he is without clue. Poor Barack. So tired. So wanting total control. So wanting to destroy America and make it pay for the sins it has inflicted on the World. Time is running out. Ben cannot spend fake money quickly enough. The Banks know the tide is turning. Wall Street money is leaving him.
If only. If only some Americans didn’t love Liberty. If only the understood the evil America is. Perhaps then, they would let Barry be in full control. He doesn’t want to be President. He wants to be Dictator. And it is the fault of Americans that he will not. Barack Obama is depressed.
It is the presidential election season in America again. Every four years, the parties come
1795 – 1823 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
out and crap on each other. Every four years people complain about it. Yet, every four years they elect some talking head from the Elephants or the Jackasses. Enough!
When I was in high school, I could not understand why anyone would ever vote for a Democrat. Their policies kept the poor in their place and crippled everyone else. I remembered the Carter years of high fuel prices, high unemployment, high interest rates and high misery. Why would anyone vote to return to that mess? Both Clinton and Obama are more of a Statist than Jimmy Carter, so why did they win?
As I learned more about liberty and the founding of the nation, I wondered why anyone would ever vote for a Republican. After all, with the exception of Reagan, most Republicans are approved by the establishment and are Progressives. Sure, they tend to be to the right of the Marxist Obama, but they are a mix of Fascist and Social Democrat. They take away freedoms and Liberty same as the Democrats. Why would anyone want that?
America was founded on the ideals of Liberty and Limited Government. The Government was to exist at the Will of the People. Not the other way around. The Progressives of both parties have lead the country down the road to total tyranny. They now control the education system in America to keep the populace ignorant and wanting more Government control. It is sad.
In his Farewell Speech to the Nation, George Washington warned about political parties. He belonged to none and is the only President to be so. He was very correct on the parties warring against one another, though I am highly doubtful he foresaw the mess we have today.
Anyone who votes for an Elephant or a Jackass has no room to complain. Want real change in American politics? Vote for someone in a different party.