Tag Archives: God

The Benevolence Of Anarchy

Author: Bagande
Author: Bagande (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many people, perhaps most, think of an out-of-control, no rules, no laws, and violent gangs when they hear the word anarchy. For too long, the only picture of anarchy has been one of absolute chaos and destruction. The typical anarchist known to people, whether in the movies or in real life, is a bomb planting, kill anyone they don’t like individual. There is no mercy and no thought about collateral damage. Unfortunately, these people do exist, but there is another side to anarchy: benevolence.

At its purest form, anarchy is the absence of a formalized Government. A moral people can live quite peacefully without a state to control them. They will go about their lives, working to provide for themselves and their families, and sharing their abundance with their community. Perhaps they ask for money or some other condition of exchange. Perhaps they give out of graciousness. Neither matters. It is their choice and the market will decide the value of their exchange.

An immoral people, however, will desire to cheat and steal from one another. They will seek to destroy each other instead of creating a loving community. There is the difference. A violent exchange is by its very nature immoral. It is morals that guide and give boundaries to society. No morals. No boundaries. No peace.

Some belief that people are immoral by their nature. Watch children at play, however, and it is easy to see the opposite is true. They only know play and joy. They do not know skin tone, culture, or language. They do not know hate. They only know whether they like to play someone or not. They have to be taught how to hate, how to be suspicious of someone else who looks or talks differently than they do. All of that by adults who have been taught the same. The result are good citizens of a state. Not thinking for themselves and hating anyone the state says they must.

It is from the oppressive, controlling state that the violent anarchist arises. Violence begats violence, and the state is the largest creator of violence. It is the state, no matter the government type, that prepares and declares war. It is the state that teaches violence is the answer, always. The state cannot and will not love, no matter how benevolent it appears to be to its Citizens. Social programs are only a way to control the People.

Starting from the positive energy of the Universe, Individuals create Love and Caring for each other. People living in the power of Love do not require the State or its controls on people. In Love, People have the power to create their own reality. Their own Community. It is from a place of Love that Morality grows. Morality brings boundaries to behavior. Guides that keep people outside of violence and hate. A Community created in Love will have Benevolence as a product. Within Benevolence, Anarchy can thrive for the betterment of All. Here it will create and not destroy. Here Love and Caring will blend together to make more than the some of their parts. Here the Benevolence of Anarchy will flourish.


You Have Value

Embed from Getty Images

I truly believe that every person ever born, in no matter what era or location, has a purpose, worth, and value. Sadly, very few realize their worth and potential, while some choose to use their talents for evil. Some have natural talents for leadership. Ghandi used his to overthrow British rule through non-violent protest. Napoleon, Alexander, and Hitler used theirs to conquer and terrorize the world of their day.

Various philosophies and religions have teachings about the value of people. Often they relate the worth with the soul. So have lessened the value by concentrating only on “winning” the soul to their Savior or path to enlightenment. Souls that do not choose to follow this path are lost and some believe they have no value. They are incorrect. Any soul contained in the body of anyone has value. Man is not created without worth.

Other views regard this existence as merely consciousness having an experience. This view is just another part of the puzzle of reality, not the end all construct. The conscience (soul) of each person does use the body as a vehicle to experience life, learn and acquire knowledge, and leave its influence on the Universe. Whether one believes in the cycling of consciousness through multiple lives or the single passing of one life, each Person has value. They have a mix of talents and will not seen before, nor will it be seen afterward. Each Person. Each Soul. Each Life is unique and worthy of being treated with the Respect and Love shown a priceless object.

Sadly, many who do not see their own worth wish to strangle and deny worth to others. They are small people and they will use all manner of destructive means to harm the Soul of others. They will tell children they have no value. They will throw children away do to inconvenience. They will neglect those for whom they are charged to grow and nurture. Sometimes the abuse is subtle, other times the scars are visible. Whether intellectual, emotional, physical, or mental, the results of abuse are the same: the target Person feels and believes they have no Value, no Worth, no Future, no Purpose.  False.

It is the responsibility of the Individual to understand their gifts, use them to discovery their Purpose, their Why, and choose to use the Knowledge for the betterment of the Universe. Love flowing from Purpose and Worth creates the most beautiful of futures for everyone. It is only through such use, such exploration, that the Eternal Hope can be realized. As put in 1 Corinthians 13:13 – Now remain these three: Faith, Hope, and Love. The Greatest of these is Love.

It is through Love that Jesus walked upon the Earth. It is Love he showed to all who sought, rebuking only the religious who had defained the House of God and His message. He summed all of the Law in “Love the Lord your God with all your mind, soul, and strength, and Love your neighbor has yourself.” This tenant requires one to first have Love for themselves in order to Love others in the same way. It requires one realizes they have Value so they may help others to find theirs. It requires Love to flow from an unquenchable source. One cannot claim to have Value at the expense of others. One’s Value flows outward in Love and Creation, not Hate and Destruction.

Every Creation has Worth, Value, and Purpose. Every Soul has a Choice. Choose wisely.


Have Faith

The Apostle Paul writes in Hebrews that without faith it is impossible to please God. Dani Johnson writes that it is the lack of faith in one’s self that causes failure. Faith is more than just a religious expression, it is how we live our lives.

For the Entrepreneur, faith is an all important component. It is what let’s one know that success will be had. It is more than just leaping blindly from the ledge, it is in knowing that there is a place to land and it will be reached. Faith is that knowing.

Having constant failure in your business venture? Working very hard, but not seeing any results? Take a good step back and examine yourself. Do you believe you will have success or are you just wishing? Having the latter means you do not have faith. Success in business is not about winning the lottery. It is not dumb luck that a business grows and brings rewards to those who start. It is about faith.

Faith is the underlying support. Someone’s why is what drives them, what keeps them going. It is their faith that allows them to see success before it happens. It is their faith that cuts through all the murkiness. They have faith in their abilities. They know they have what it takes. They know they will be successful and realize their dreams. They have faith.

Work on your faith this week. Examine and meditate on how you truly see your abilities. Where you find lack, seek training and guidance. Build on small successes and increase your faith in yourself. After all, you are an Entrepreneur. You did start a business. You much have at least a mustard seed of faith in yourself to get that far. Grow it.