The iPhone was a great revolution. It not only had a touch screen and allowed applications, but it also had a real Safari browser. The fanboys went nuts! Safari on a phone! A phone based on OS X! Awesome!
The applause started to die down once people tried to use websites with the browser on the iPhone. It was annoying. The users had to pinch and scroll to see the images and click the links. Website were getting wider as the screens people used were becoming higher resolution. The real estate was vast and designers used every inch. The user experience with the smart phones sucked. That meant stores were losing customers; losing money.
Along came the web based application. It held the data it required local and talked to the store’s server via web services. Now the application could be native and so could the user experience. A customer can download the application from the App Store for free, use it to determine their purchase and send the order to the server securely.
The restaurant chain Chipotle has a great website. Visitors can get food information and create an order. Trying to use it on an iPhone is terrible, but they have an app in the App Store. Once downloaded, customers see a similar experience as the website, but one tailored to the iPhone. Android users also have an application made for their phone. Once the order has been created, the customer can pay for it and send it to a local store based on their location. Makes it very easy for the customer and that means more sales.
Other companies also have their own applications. ProFlowers and 1800Flowers are among them. What about your site? Getting your site mobile ready is easier than you think. Visit and order today.
The Nikon D600 is out! It is here! Finally! Woo hoo! Ok, but why????
A few things for the technical geeks. It has 24 megapixels, so now you can zoom way in and have good, sharp images. If you lens can give you that much information. It uses SD based cards like all the other pro-sumer oriented cameras. Ok, not all, but most. TheĀ means SDHC and SDXC are supported. These cards are quick, high capacity and inexpensive. And it has two of these slots, like the Nikon D7000. That’s cool!
Yeah, so what? So it is another camera at the top of the pro-sumer line.
This one is different! This one is….Full Frame!!! Yep! Finally! A full frame camera from Nikon around $2,000!
So??? That means Nikon is finally allowing the rest of us to choose a full frame. That means no more cropping those old, beautiful lenses. That means we finally get great color and low noise ISO down in the price range that doesn’t require a second mortgage. That means that we may finally get a full frame price war between Nikon and Canon (please feel free to join in the fray Sony, Olympus and Pentax). This is great!
I really love the idea of the Nikon D600! No, I will not get one….yet…I tend to be a second generation adopter, but I really love this. Currently, I have a D7000 and I will definitely be upgrading at some point. I had thought to wait for the replacement of the D7000, but now I know I will not. That is, of course, unless it is a full frame camera. I have some older Tamron lenses that are full frame. Yes, the current crop factor of DX sensors is nice, but I’d rather have an affordable full frame with 16 megapixels than a 24 megapixel, APS-C sensor (yeah D5200, I’m talking to you) anyway.
This is the start of the full frame revolution. No longer relegated to the top end, really freaking expensive cameras, full frame for the masses is finally becoming a reality for every one. Yes, it is only the first camera in the Nikon line to be full frame at this level, but more will follow. Someday the entry level camera will be full frame too. I cheer its arrival.
See my video of my thoughts on the D600. Subscribed to my YouTube channel and share in the discussion.
Louisiana State Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1940 ballot box labeled “Spoiled” from election fraud investigation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
As the election season of 2012 went forward, there were reports of more and more fraud. All kinds of oddities were popping up, mostly in hotly contested key states. Each day since the election seems to bring more to light. How fraudulent were these elections?
I know the Democrat supports and fan boys will be crying foul about now. They will no doubt point out George Bush stole the election in 2000. They are wrong and their minds are incapable of knowing the truth. In every recount, Bush won Florida. This includes recounts done after the elections by various media outlets. The myth still lives on. The election of 2012, however, is another matter.
During the months leading to election day, there were reports of fraudulent voter registrations in Ohio. The reports stated out of state voters were being bussed in and given fake bills to use as evidence of having moved. No thorough investigation was conducted by law enforcement and the Democrat supports claimed it was all false claims laid out by Glenn Beck. Oddity number 1.
During early voting in Ohio, North Carolina and Colorado came reports that votes for Mitt Romney were being tuned into Obama votes. The machines were checked. Some failed, most didn’t. Election officials stated there was nothing wrong and again it was hype by Glenn Beck. The Marion Star pulled the articles from their website within a day. All is well people, pay no attention to the man behind the mirror. Oddity number 2.
Reports surfaced about fraudulent voter registrations in Illinois. While this is nothing new for Chicago, why would Barry need fake votes in that state? What was going on? He should have have Illinois locked up. Even Jesse Jackson campaigned for him in Illinois. Huh. Oh yeah, that’s normal. Oddity number 3.
On election day itself, everyone’s peace loving organization “The New Black Panthers” showed up to intimidate white folks, I mean protect the locals, in Philadelphia. They stood in the doorways against voting laws. The cops did nothing. After all, them white folks tried to get picture identification required for voting, someone has to stick up for the poor inner city folk. Oddity number 4.
Philadelphia didn’t only have the Black Panthers for oddities. Republican election officials were illegally kicked out of voting areas for several hours. Reports stated up to 70 such officials were removed, some by force. A judge eventually ordered that they be allowed back in. What went on in the meantime? No one seems to know or care. After all, Philly was an easy claim by Barry. Why would he need any help there?? Oddity number 5.
Military votes, many times not counted in states were they have no effect on the outcome, have been reported lost or delayed by various means. Some were accidentally dumped overboard when transferring off ship. Some were accidentally marked as ammunition and sent to Afghanistan. Many of those that arrived did so on November 7, quite conveniently on day too late. Early counts on this votes show that in some key states, they may have tipped the vote to Romney. Again no investigation, no outcry. Oddity number 6.
Here are six oddities about this election and this is not an exhaustive list. There are ties to George Soros to voting machines in the northern mid-West. There is also Obama receiving funds directly from sources outside the US, in violation of campaign finance laws. And there are more. How many oddities does it take to make people wonder just how free this election was? Whose voice was actually heard on November 6? Is David Icke correct and there really are Lizard Overlords on the moon?
SnapChick Portret (Nikon D800) (Photo credit: rudymas)
The Snap Chick! Also known as Leigh. She does anythings. She does videos of her in a bikini. She does videos of her camping. She also has an amazing video on teaching all the ends and outs of depth of field. She is an amazing woman!
Now, she’s teamed up with Raymond on a new video series called Coffee and Cameras. Yes, it is new. Yes, it is rough. Yes, it need some development. But who cares. It is a great idea!
Did I mention she review a Linux computer?
The duo is figuring out their style and voice. It is awesome to watch this idea develop. Over the coming weeks, we the viewers will watch as the idea flowers and unfolds, as they find their voice, as they share themselves with us. It will be awesome.
The Statue of Liberty, donated to the US by France, an artistic personification of the concept. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is the night before elections in America. According to the polls, it is anyone’s guess who will win. The polls claim it is all even. The polls are crap.
Look under the covers of these polls and you will find a telling story. They are cooked. Democrats are oversampled in such high numbers, higher than any real election, to make Obama look as good as possible. It is meant to keep Republicans at home thinking all is lost. What it really does is create an expectation with the dependent class that their slave master will win. When this does not happen, it is sure to bring about rioting in the streets.
The presidency of Mitt Romney will win. He has the momentum. He has the ground level support. Many long-time Democrats, the working class people of America, are chanting anyone but Obama. The presidency is his to lose.
Though many Republicans will cheer a Romney victory, the fact that Liberty will die a little more will be lost on them. They see themselves winning as a good thing. For America and Liberty, it matters little, unless by some stroke of incredible luck Gary Johnson should win. America was founded on the ideals of Personal Liberty and Opportunity. Neither major candidate embraces these ideals. Obama is a Marxist. Romney is a Social Democrat.
Once the results are known (I’m doubtful we will know for weeks after Obama and his ilk sue), I will breath a slight sigh of relief knowing Liberty will die a little slower. But after all the cheering and shouting, I’ll feel sad that more Freedoms will still be taken away.
Rescue for Your Business (Photo credit: Zavarykin Sergey)
I first met Gregg Davison over the phone. He was living in the Cayman Islands and loving life. He was talking to me about CarbonCopy Pro, a business opportunity I had heard about during a commercial break on the Rush Limbaugh radio show. I was intrigued. I had to find out more. I went to the website and eventually signed up at the Gold Level.
The calls with Gregg happened each week. I was given some assignments and things to do. I went through the back office. I went through the tutorials. The online marketing education CarbonCopy Pro has is massive. Almost too much to absorb. Gregg said to register a domain with your name in it. I chose several. Eventually I had getrichwithbryon and both the .net and .com versions of bryonlape. The sites were out there, leads came in.
I finally met Gregg Davison face to face in Phoenix, Arizona at the Master Marketing Event. He was energetic. He showed interest in people. He gave them guidance and leadership. That weekend was phenomenal. How exciting to be in business.
A couple of months later, Gregg and his business partners Andrew Cass and Michael Force held a weekend training retreat in Miami. It is amazing how inexpensive hotels can be in Miami, Florida in July when few people are there. The training was intense and close up. On Monday, several of us on Gregg’s team were in his room for “A Day In The Office With Gregg Davison”. It was worth the extra time and money. All of us stayed as long as we could and eventually made our way toward our respective homes.
That was mid 2011.
A few months later, Gregg stopped being on the calls. He stopped holding team training sessions on Saturdays. A bit before he stopped talking about his lovely wife Christina. Something was up. No one knew what. Then, he was gone.
Peter Hobler, his business manager stopped hearing from him. The marketing partners Andrew and Michael didn’t hear from him either. Neither Jay Kubassek nor Justin Woolf knew anything about what was going on. Gregg Davison seemed to have disappeared.
Those of us on Gregg’s team were first moved under Micheal Force. Several months later, as the marketing leaders started to leave Pro U (CarbonCopy Pro’s new name), the team was moved again to be under Justin Woolf. Still no word from Gregg.
Gregg’s Facebook page became stale. A picture of him holding his nephew was posted by his sister. No status changes. No location changes. Nothing.
One day Justin saw Gregg come on-line and was able to chat with him a bit. Gregg was back to being in his mother’s basement. Back in England. Back to where it started. But what was Gregg doing? No one seems to know.
Gregg Davison is still out there. He’s voice is no doubt being heard by someone. He is not part of Empower Network. He is not part of Pro U. He is not part of RemarkaMobile.
As I am not busy enough, I blog in several spots. On my WordPress blog, I posted a story about a friend of mine and the tactics she was thinking of employing to get leads for her business. I helped her see what manner of leads she would most likely get and showed her a different path. Time will tell if she will stick to it.
Marketing is an art. Marketing is a science. Many people complain about too many advertisements here and there. Fact is, the ads are there because they are effective. Marketers don’t have endless barrels of money. They must get results or they will try something else. Often times, a well researched campaign will fall flat while something wild and spontaneous will have roaring success. Each effort is measured against the business it brings in. Much returned, campaign continues. Nothing returned, campaign is stopped.
Nearly two years ago I started down a new path with Carbon Copy Pro. Gregg Davison was my sponsor and a whole new world was opened to me. I have never been the same. I have stopped accepting mediocrity and strive to do better. When I find myself in ruts, I really get annoyed and look for ways out.
I also have little patience for those who choose, no want, to stay in their ruts. Those who are able bodied and have their hands out annoy me the most. America is not there to guarantee you a color television and a cell phone. It isn’t there to guarantee you a job. It is there to guarantee your Liberty. Take it and live free.
Yeah, so what? What about anal sex?
Though some may have been turned off by the terms so far, living in Liberty has much in common with anal sex. Very few practice it and the few who do feel liberated. They more one lives in Liberty, the more one wants. Same as anal sex. Many are scared by Liberty and feel it unnecessary in a country whose government is providing everything. After all, there are other less painful sexual practices, anal isn’t needed.
Yes, the analogy does start to break down. But living in Liberty is about breaking down constraints. Breaking down walls. Striving in your own business is about finding your way in Liberty. Perhaps my friend was right, it is also about enjoying anal sex.