Category Archives: Random Musings

Ideas, comments, blurbings, etc that don’t go any where else.

Growing Up INTJ

Español: Tipo Myers-Briggs INTJ
Español: Tipo Myers-Briggs INTJ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When I first posted a video on YouTube about being an INTJ, several people responded in support, others wondered. Could this guy really be an INTJ? After all. He’s on YouTube?

In that video I explained what an INTJ is and gave examples of famous ones from history. The Myers-Briggs test is a measure of someone’s personality traits. It is not a box to stuff people into, nor is it a box into which one may hide. It is a measure. It is a starting point of understanding.

Response to that video compelled me to share more of my test results. My more in-depth video was the result. Here I shared the actual test results, showing the pages. Yes, it was to show the doubters out there that I really am an INTJ. After all, these videos take a great deal of energy from me. Blog posting is much easier. Add to that, I tend to do the videos in one take, unlike say Karen Alloy (spricket24) who uses many quick cuts in her style. I’m more like say….the Snap Chick..Leigh…something….ok..moving on.

Several people sent me e-mails asking what it was like growing up. Ok…new video made. Now for the text.

My mother is an extrovert. So is my brother. My father is more introverted, but during my formative years Uncle Sam had him here, there and everywhere quite often. As a result, I was much closer to my mother. Being on opposite ends on the first letter did bring some misunderstandings. I wanted to be alone with my books and thoughts and ideas. She wanted me to get out of the house and meet people. We were both right, in our own ways.

Having social skills is important. One needs to be able to understand and communicate with others. After all, none of us are islands unto our selves. We need others to provide what we cannot ourselves acquire. But being with people drains an Introvert and eventually, there is a need to recharge. This my mother didn’t seem to understand till later in life.

Much of the time growing up, we had no television. My mind was my playground and my imagination became strong. In 1979, we moved to Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Here I could access the library on my own and I did. I read every Hardy Boys book they had. I tried the Bobbsey Twins and others. I read books as though I had a hunger, a longing. By seventh grade it was The Hobbit and the The Lord of the Rings series. I didn’t need television. I had my books.

And my mother said go meet people.

I was in the Boy Scouts till the younger kids annoyed me too often. I reached the rank of Star, though no further. Here I tuned my love of learning into merit badges. I had dreams, but no plans. I wanted much, but had no way to get there. After all. I had my books.

My teenage years saw me grow more introverted. I saw many of my fellow classmates as whiny children. I still see teenagers that way. Anytime I heard someone say “That’s not fair,” my only response was “Life isn’t fair.” I started to write more, sharing with no one. Who series of stories and novels danced through my head. I played Traveller. I wrote computer programs on paper. I had a few friends. We moved to Germany and I had woods to explore. Old ruins held high import to me. Moss fields became a land of mists and dragons. I created my own alphabets. I wrote. I shared none.

And my mother said to mingle and meet people.

During my senior year in high school, my interest in females grew high enough to actually talk to them. Half-way through the year I finally asked one out: Dee Dee Kreminak. We went to the movies and had pizza afterward. We talked about for hours. She was beautiful. We had a good time. A few weeks later I asked her to join my family for Ice Capades. She said she couldn’t, I’ve long forgotten why. I tried another date a bit later. No. Ugh. I was crushed.

My first attempt at being social and more than just seeing someone at church or school left me a bit crushed. Was I doomed for more introversion? On a train filled with American youth on its way to Berchtesgaden, the answer became no. Here I met Tracy Janner and a weekend friendship grew. She lived in Kaiserslautern, two hours away. I would see her twice more before leaving Germany. I learned a bit more.

Over the years I’ve had to work at being more open. I’ve also had to learn when to pull back. I tend to OCD on being extroverted when I am really pushed out of my Introvert shell. I am not really shy that much, just lending to observing people more than participating. After all, INTJs are Masterminds and Analytical.

I’ve learned when to let go of the Perfectionist tendencies and when to embrace them fully. There are times I lean on my INTJ traits and others when I abound to walk away. Growing up INTJ has been great fun and great frustration; heartache and love; sickness and health. It is who I am and I am wonderful. I seek to encourage others and know I can make a difference.

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The End Of An Era – Pictures Of The Cincinnati Beer Fest

A selection of Samuel Adams
A selection of Samuel Adams (Photo credit: BrainMuffin)

It all began quite well. In the summer of 2009, the Cincinnati Beer Fest was being held for the first time at Roebling Point. Previously held in the Winter time, this was also the first time it was during the summer. Wanting to practice taking pictures of people, I wanted to attend and then wonder around capturing the event. I contacted the fest organizer, Craig Johnson, and he asked me to be the official photographer. This was a start of a partnership that would last 3 years.

The 2009 Cincinnati beer fest came and went. In February of 2010, the third annual Cincinnati Winter Beer fest has become too large for the hotel in Covington. For the first time, the fest was actually held in Cincinnati. Again held in a hotel, it quickly overran the facility, though many had fun. I again took pictures and had a great time meeting fest goers and talking to brewers.

The summer of 2010 was interesting. Craig Johnson wanted to do something different. In October, he conducted a fest on the Purple People Bridge. The setting was unique and it promised to be a good fest. The weather on the 10th was near 80, sky was clear and the crowd did other things. Still good pictures and good conversation.

Columbus also came on the menu for beer fests in 2010. Expanding in the May, the first was well attended and held over two days. The Columbus fest would grow to include the winter as well.

The beer fests of 2011 grew in attendance, beer selection and choice of events. The fests were held in Cincinnati and Columbus. The pictures were great too.

The year 2012 started as normal. The Columbus fest in January and the Cincinnati fest in February. In need of setup help, I arrived in Columbus hours early to do my time. The Cincinnati fest also took some extra time. I climbed the Leinenkugel’s truck to get great shots of the crowd. I wrote an Insider’s Guide To Surviving the Cincinnati Winter Beer Fest. All was well.

The summer Columbus fest was the beginning of the end. Though I could not attend anyway, I was not asked to take pics. It was a bit thrown together, so I figured it was an oversight. Then the Columbus Winter fest came and went. No call. Now the Cincinnati beer fest is close and I’m not taking pictures.

It is the end of my era as fest photography geek. I may still be there as a beer slinger, but it is not nearly as fun. Being able to walk among the crowd, talk to the attenders, chat with beer industry insiders. That’s what beer fest means to me. I may have to find new meaning.

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I Remember A Time

Sheet Music
Sheet Music (Photo credit: jayneandd)

I remember a time when music played within my head. It was not the music of others, replayed for my enjoyment. I was my music. It danced. It charmed. It played throughout my being. It was my music.

More than once were the attempts to put it on paper for others to play. All attempts feel short of the heard music. The skills for transcription were too weak to prevail. More skills were acquired. More attempts were made. All failed too.

The failures lead to frustation. The music was sweet. The music was beautiful. It required sharing. It fought to get out. New mediums were pursued. The music changed. Results were far fleeting and mixed. Eventually the music died down as the music of others grew louder. The music that was a part of me became replaced. Childhood dreams replaced with the realities of life. The music grew quieter. The music did not die.

The music rose again when change was desired. The music again sought an avenue for sharing. It grew again to the front. Again it was not understood. Again it failed to gather desire, gather acceptance. The music is still a part of me. It still desires to be shared.

The music will build others. The music will inspire others. The music will lead others to their own paths. The music will produce music for others. The music will become.

Let the music out.

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Congress Is Worthless

Debt Star Sign - Cincinnati Tea Party, March 1...
Debt Star Sign – Cincinnati Tea Party, March 15, 2009 (Photo credit: BrainMuffin)

Congress. Why bother? Too many people want free stuff, so Congress spends money from those who have yet to be born. After all, they have to get the votes. The clueless sheep keep voting and no one can do math. Why bother?

The Fiscal Cliff was created to scare everyone and it worked. Now Congress has pushed a bill through that totally screws the taxpayer. Who cares about the future? Obama wants to be dictator and he needs the country to collapse. What few Republicans will stand up are shouted down by the morons who cannot add and vote for free stuff. The useful idiots are everywhere. After call, Capitalism got us into this mess, right? NO! Dead wrong!

It is no wonder the Government is in control of education. When people are educated, they are harder to control. Jimmy Carter gave us the Department of Education and they in-turn gave us “New Math” which guaranteed Math illiteracy. Two generations of idiots later, Obama wins re-election and most of them voted to get free stuff. None of them can do the math to know we cannot pay for any of it. Mean spirited Republicans stealing all that money from the poor. Boo!

Idiots all. There isn’t a single Obama voter who isn’t a self-centered spoiled brat. It is all Bush’s fault. The unfunded wars. The tax cuts. Blah…Blah…do the Math. You are wrong.

So, why does Congress bother to meet? There hasn’t been a budget in four years, yet Obama has raised taxes on the working class, he has expanded the sexual assault provided by the TSA, has destroyed health insurance for all but the wealthiest and has expanded the war in Afghanistan. What does he do for an encore? Expand the war into Africa, of course. Is any of this funded? Does it matter? Uncle Ben will just print more money, robbing the working class more and pay it to their banker friends.

Enough. If you really care about any kind of real future for America, there is no way you can vote for a Democrat. No way. All but a few Republicans are in the same boat. Push them out to sea and let them go. It is time for real Change.

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My name is Bryon and I’m an Introvert

Susan Cain theatre session
Susan Cain theatre session (Photo credit: joeyanne)

I came across Susan Cain’s video on TED TALKS while looking for fellow INTJs on YouTube. It may seem odd to be looking for others as an introvert, though it is quite normal for us. We are not necessarily shy. We internalize our thinking and like to be by ourselves. What better way to find others than through the Internet.

Introversion is not shyness. Introverts like to think to talk. They internalize their thought process and do look for the input of others. The value of others is high and they long to be valued.

Susan’s speech is about the power of introverts. She discuss how the tend to be better leaders and how solitude matters. Our society seems hellbent on removing extroverts. Classrooms are typically setup for group assignments and it causes introverts to feel uncomfortable or that they are in too noisy a place.

Solitude is important. Being able to go off by one’s self allows the mind to be free to express and explore. Ideas come forth and flourish. Today’s society sets higher value on sales than ideas. Here, Introverts are often overlooked and forgotten.

Groups are necessary for creating required solutions. Each person also needs to be valued to be left to work alone to foster deep thought. Truth is found in the stillness of many streams.

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The Fraudulent Re-election Of Barry Soetoro

Louisiana State Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana...
Louisiana State Museum, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1940 ballot box labeled “Spoiled” from election fraud investigation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As the election season of 2012 went forward, there were reports of more and more fraud. All kinds of oddities were popping up, mostly in hotly contested key states. Each day since the election seems to bring more to light. How fraudulent were these elections?

I know the Democrat supports and fan boys will be crying foul about now. They will no doubt point out George Bush stole the election in 2000. They are wrong and their minds are incapable of knowing the truth. In every recount, Bush won Florida. This includes recounts done after the elections by various media outlets. The myth still lives on. The election of 2012, however, is another matter.

During the months leading to election day, there were reports of fraudulent voter registrations in Ohio. The reports stated out of state voters were being bussed in and given fake bills to use as evidence of having moved. No thorough investigation was conducted by law enforcement and the Democrat supports claimed it was all false claims laid out by Glenn Beck. Oddity number 1.

During early voting in Ohio, North Carolina and Colorado came reports that votes for Mitt Romney were being tuned into Obama votes. The machines were checked. Some failed, most didn’t. Election officials stated there was nothing wrong and again it was hype by Glenn Beck. The Marion Star pulled the articles from their website within a day. All is well people, pay no attention to the man behind the mirror. Oddity number 2.

Reports surfaced about fraudulent voter registrations in Illinois. While this is nothing new for Chicago, why would Barry need fake votes in that state? What was going on? He should have have Illinois locked up. Even Jesse Jackson campaigned for him in Illinois. Huh. Oh yeah, that’s normal. Oddity number 3.

On election day itself, everyone’s peace loving organization “The New Black Panthers” showed up to intimidate white folks, I mean protect the locals, in Philadelphia. They stood in the doorways against voting laws. The cops did nothing. After all, them white folks tried to get picture identification required for voting, someone has to stick up for the poor inner city folk. Oddity number 4.

Philadelphia didn’t only have the Black Panthers for oddities. Republican election officials were illegally kicked out of voting areas for several hours. Reports stated up to 70 such officials were removed, some by force. A judge eventually ordered that they be allowed back in. What went on in the meantime? No one seems to know or care. After all, Philly was an easy claim by Barry. Why would he need any help there?? Oddity number 5.

Military votes, many times not counted in states were they have no effect on the outcome, have been reported lost or delayed by various means. Some were accidentally dumped overboard when transferring off ship. Some were accidentally marked as ammunition and sent to Afghanistan. Many of those that arrived did so on November 7, quite conveniently on day too late. Early counts on this votes show that in some key states, they may have tipped the vote to Romney. Again no investigation, no outcry. Oddity number 6.

Here are six oddities about this election and this is not an exhaustive list. There are ties to George Soros to voting machines in the northern mid-West. There is also Obama receiving funds directly from sources outside the US, in violation of campaign finance laws. And there are more. How many oddities does it take to make people wonder just how free this election was? Whose voice was actually heard on November 6? Is David Icke correct and there really are Lizard Overlords on the moon?

Wake up America, before it is too late.

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Coffee and Cameras

SnapChick Portret (Nikon D800)
SnapChick Portret (Nikon D800) (Photo credit: rudymas)

The Snap Chick! Also known as Leigh. She does anythings. She does videos of her in a bikini. She does videos of her camping. She also has an amazing video on teaching all the ends and outs of depth of field. She is an amazing woman!

Now, she’s teamed up with Raymond on a new video series called Coffee and Cameras. Yes, it is new. Yes, it is rough. Yes, it need some development. But who cares. It is a great idea!

Did I mention she review a Linux computer?

The duo is figuring out their style and voice. It is awesome to watch this idea develop. Over the coming weeks, we the viewers will watch as the idea flowers and unfolds, as they find their voice, as they share themselves with us. It will be awesome.

My YouTube video response:

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The Coming Mitt Romney Presidency

The Statue of Liberty, donated to the US by Fr...
The Statue of Liberty, donated to the US by France, an artistic personification of the concept. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is the night before elections in America. According to the polls, it is anyone’s guess who will win. The polls claim it is all even. The polls are crap.

Look under the covers of these polls and you will find a telling story. They are cooked. Democrats are oversampled in such high numbers, higher than any real election, to make Obama look as good as possible. It is meant to keep Republicans at home thinking all is lost. What it really does is create an expectation with the dependent class that their slave master will win. When this does not happen, it is sure to bring about rioting in the streets.

The presidency of Mitt Romney will win. He has the momentum. He has the ground level support. Many long-time Democrats, the working class people of America, are chanting anyone but Obama. The presidency is his to lose.

Though many Republicans will cheer a Romney victory, the fact that Liberty will die a little more will be lost on them. They see themselves winning as a good thing. For America and Liberty, it matters little, unless by some stroke of incredible luck Gary Johnson should win. America was founded on the ideals of Personal Liberty and Opportunity. Neither major candidate embraces these ideals. Obama is a Marxist. Romney is a Social Democrat.

Once the results are known (I’m doubtful we will know for weeks after Obama and his ilk sue), I will breath a slight sigh of relief knowing Liberty will die a little slower. But after all the cheering and shouting, I’ll feel sad that more Freedoms will still be taken away.

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Where is Gregg Davison?

Rescue for Your Business
Rescue for Your Business (Photo credit: Zavarykin Sergey)

I first met Gregg Davison over the phone. He was living in the Cayman Islands and loving life. He was talking to me about CarbonCopy Pro, a business opportunity I had heard about during a commercial break on the Rush Limbaugh radio show. I was intrigued. I had to find out more. I went to the website and eventually signed up at the Gold Level.

The calls with Gregg happened each week. I was given some assignments and things to do. I went through the back office. I went through the tutorials. The online marketing education CarbonCopy Pro has is massive. Almost too much to absorb. Gregg said to register a domain with your name in it. I chose several. Eventually I had getrichwithbryon and both the .net and .com versions of bryonlape. The sites were out there, leads came in.

I finally met Gregg Davison face to face in Phoenix, Arizona at the Master Marketing Event. He was energetic. He showed interest in people. He gave them guidance and leadership. That weekend was phenomenal. How exciting to be in business.

A couple of months later, Gregg and his business partners Andrew Cass and Michael Force held a weekend training retreat in Miami. It is amazing how inexpensive hotels can be in Miami, Florida in July when few people are there. The training was intense and close up. On Monday, several of us on Gregg’s team were in his room for “A Day In The Office With Gregg Davison”. It was worth the extra time and money. All of us stayed as long as we could and eventually made our way toward our respective homes.

That was mid 2011.

A few months later, Gregg stopped being on the calls. He stopped holding team training sessions on Saturdays. A bit before he stopped talking about his lovely wife Christina. Something was up. No one knew what. Then, he was gone.

Peter Hobler, his business manager stopped hearing from him. The marketing partners Andrew and Michael didn’t hear from him either. Neither Jay Kubassek nor Justin Woolf knew anything about what was going on. Gregg Davison seemed to have disappeared.

Those of us on Gregg’s team were first moved under Micheal Force. Several months later, as the marketing leaders started to leave Pro U (CarbonCopy Pro’s new name), the team was moved again to be under Justin Woolf. Still no word from Gregg.

Gregg’s Facebook page became stale. A picture of him holding his nephew was posted by his sister. No status changes. No location changes. Nothing.

One day Justin saw Gregg come on-line and was able to chat with him a bit. Gregg was back to being in his mother’s basement. Back in England. Back to where it started. But what was Gregg doing? No one seems to know.

Gregg Davison is still out there. He’s voice is no doubt being heard by someone. He is not part of Empower Network. He is not part of Pro U. He is not part of RemarkaMobile.

Where is Gregg Davison?

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Good Content Makes For Good Conversation

Girl with smirk
Girl with smirk (Photo credit: BrainMuffin)

My marketing mentor Gregg Davison is found of many phrases. Many would be quick to recite his “It is always sunny when you are making money” quip. He is also keen on another important phrase when it comes to successful marketing “Content is King”.

There are many blogs out there on the Internet. Many of the are popular and do bring in some money for their creators. Many of them bring in no one and don’t make a penny. Why? Simple: bad content.

Creating good content is more than bringing up the Google adword tool and finding good keywords to use. Sure, if you want trying to sell a business opportunity about making money on the Internet, the usual advice is to look for those keywords and get them into your content. Gurus will tell you that your content should have somewhere between 3-5% of your “making money” keywords so that Google will like your content and rank it high. When it comes to a phrase like “Making money on the Internet,” how many websites could Google possibly place on the first page? Exactly.

Having a good blog that attracts readers is more than just good use of keywords in your content. The content itself needs to be good. You want to attract readers. You want them to return. You need to find you niche.

Finding your niche is about your story. Who are you? What are your interests? Forget about the awesome Internet money making opportunity you have and tell the readers more of you. They want to believe they know you, so tell them. Don’t let every article be on some new marketing technique you learned on the previous night’s call with Jay Kubassek.

Here’s a great for instance. A classmate of mine from college has her own blog. Always wanting to keep a few extra pounds off, she embraced her struggles and shares her story. The result? She attracts like minded individuals who are looking to achieve results. Her readers like that she is not trying to use the blog to hawk particular products, so they see her openness and candor as refreshing. They also celebrate each others victories. That is what blogging is about! Take hold and triumph!

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